Friday, March 2, 2018

Sew Chaotically! - Le Laboratoire Familial's Celestine Jacket

Sew....Bentie secretly got me this pattern, Le Laboratoire Familial's Celestine Jacket, when he ever so sweetly emailed and basically drove the nice ladies of this company crazy because I wanted their lovely Scarlett blouse boss!  He managed it and I got both patterns!!!!  Is he and Le Laboratoire awesome or what????  From the start, I was set that this jacket be made up in quilted pink.  I have to admit that when I found this fabric in London on Goldhawk Road, I was super excited and a little frightened!!  I fear the little man who had to climb up a very tall ladder to fetch it may have believed me a tad deranged!!! Lord have mercy, it is PINK!!!!!!! (And very shiny!!!! Like the crazy person that I am....though I LOVE the Scarlett blouse more (and have the most lovely piece of blue shirting for it!!!)...the challenge of this piece made me want to make it first!!!!  I looked at reviews.  I studied the pattern.  B helped with translation.  I ended up getting some suede-like ??? scuba knit (It is super soft and buttery!  I used the remnants of it in Rosie's Linden!) to tone down the pinkness for use in the trim and sleeves.  I debated the pockets, the lining, zip front vs buttons.  In the end, here's what I did:
Since my quilted fabric is finished on both sides and the knit feels lovely, I decided to skip the lining.  That settled, I debated les poches!!!  (See how much French I learned???)  I was a bit intimidated by the slash pockets, never having made them.  Plus with no lining, I wasn't sure how they would work out just hanging there.  So, I was struck by one of my craziest but best ideas ever!!!  I would use the pattern and instructions from Tessuti's Demi Pants to make the pockets!!!

Warm and soft and buttery on the inside!
Sleek and perfect on the outside!!!
Isn't that awesome????

I admit to some considerable concern that I might look like an extra for Grease!  But, when something is already too much ~ it just needs MORE!!!!
Enter...the FROGS!!!!  Pink ones, no less!

Well, the frogs took away some of the Grease and added a taste of Geisha ~ or something!!!  No worries!  I loooove it!
Have to say, I'm pretty proud of the stitchery!!!

This whole experience has been an enormously fun adventure.  A pattern from France, with pockets from Australia. Fabric from London. Frogs from a lady who claims she gets them from a maker in Hong Kong.  Crazy from inside my brain, and much patience and sweetness from my B!!!  I'm thinking that alone is good!!  But, I figure I can rock it out Rihanna style with army green skinnies and boots, jeans may be a bit tricky given my Grease phobia.  Kinda liking my black slacks and velvet slippers!!!  Life is just a party, baby!  Cheers!

Sew Chaotically! - love, les

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