Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Summer Bounty!

It has been a blessed summer for me.  Brent and I have shared our usual silly and easy moments.  All four of the kiddos have been working hard, but have enjoyed moments of play as well.  Simple joys.  The beauty of small things.  Life unfolding. 

Our bit of garden has been paying dividends.  Shade over most of our property limits the fruits and veg we can grow a great deal.  But this year our three little tomato plants and a few more pepper plants have really come through.  We have had many many tomato salads.  B has eaten, shared, pickled and dried BUNCHES of peppers.  We have enjoyed greens early and recently!  Our blueberries have done incredibly well!  Despite sharing with the birds, I have made numerous pies, muffins and frozen many batches, still leaving plenty to eat with yogurt and share with friends.  The herbs have been a joy.  I use tarragon, basil, oregano, parsley, sage, or thyme in every meal and share with all who will take it!!!  Simply delicious pleasures!  I missed getting snaps of the beauty that has been my day lily bed.  It has been glorious.  But, these beauties have been filling our world with color in the past weeks...

And then there's Te veo!  You can't leave her out - cause she won't let you!!!  

As Jeanne says, "Life is good!"  Wishing you a bountiful summer, filled with joys - large and small.  Stay safe and well.  Much love, les.