Sunday, February 27, 2022

Sew Chaotically! ~ Utilitarian Frog Jam Fun!!!

Time watching the Jammer provides perfect moments to plan for the next Jamboree!!!  

First, using bits from my stash, I stitched some quick and dirty burp cloths and hand towels.  So much utilitarian fun!

Digging deeper in my stash, I came across two bibs prepped for a cross stitch design from unknown provenance.  A Jamboree is the perfect time to put them to use!  Not sure if FROG JAM, a yummy preserve made of figs, raspberries, oranges and ginger, is more of a southern thing, but it has always been one of Roo's favs.  Now, it has become a nick name as well as part of a lullaby for a very special little guy.  So it made perfect sense that it become part of many delicious meals to come!

I liked using this type of bib for my little ones, as it provided good coverage and was comfy around chubby necks.  The block colors were a little strange in this one, but my embroidery stash came through.  It was fun designing a bit of cross stitch to work with the colors and the space while incorporating B's favorite bird and a little ditty that Jam loves to 'dance' to ~ 

Can't wait to see these covered in green beans!!!  Live and sew chaotically! ~ les


  1. The pictures don't do them justice! They are so cute!

    1. Thanks, sweetie. Can't wait til the Jammer needs them for his green beans!
