Saturday, September 14, 2024

RIP my dear Dr. Jeff Weber

I have not been able to find the words to describe the best physician who has ever provided me with care, the brilliant mind that I had the privilege to observe, the deep kindness rooted in his every response, his optimistic yet forever realistic approach, his busy body love of life, his enthusiasm for good food, his demand for precision, his incredible humor, his ability to do a complete physical and history (no dry labbing here!!!) within minutes, his humor, his smile, and yes - my friend - Jeff Weber.

So, it is probably best to let those who knew him well - do so here...

Jeff Weber's career was not only filled with patient advocacy, leadership and achievement but punctuated by mentorship. I urge all fellows and junior faculty to find someone like Jeff – great friend, amazing mentor, brother, leader.  Jeff was on a trial call this Thursday at 7 am running through patients, and plans.  He worked on Friday. Always leading by being the example.  Always communicated in the future tense.  Precise to a point, expert.  Dry wit.  When I was a resident on his service, you could wear scrubs but had to show up to rounds in a shirt and tie.  Respect.  As his fellow I raced to Norris to round on the IL2 patients before his 545 phone call. Tactical.  As his apprentice he insisted on 6 am education on Immunology, trials, life.  So grateful for his guidance, mentorship, friendship. Irreplaceable. May his memory be a blessing. I’m sure he’d ask us not to make such a fuss.

BMJ Editorial - Jeffrey SWeber, MD, PhD (1952–2024): in memoriam to discovery, friendship and family

Memoriam from AIM at Melanoma

Without having met Dr. Weber in 2010, I know I would not be here today.  Further, without having gotten to know Jeff over those years, to sharing a meal with him and conversation in his home with his beloved Linda in 2020, I would have missed out on personally being touched by a human comet. 

Thanks for all you did for me and so many others, Dr. Weber.  Thanks, for being my friend, Jeff.

May Linda and your daughters forever feel the warmth of your love, and memories enjoy the mischievous twinkle in your eyes with the slightly crooked smile that meant adventure was brewing.

Some losses are hard, but life is still blessed by the knowing. - les

Sunday, June 30, 2024

January/ February/March/April/May and June Reads

January - 

The Girl in his Shadow - Audry Blake.  The story of Nora Beady, an orphan taken in by Dr. Horace Croft in 1840's London, becoming his assistant and going off to Medical School in Italy having been refused in England. Meh.  Was hoping for more.  Has a sequel.  Don't know that I will go there.

The Giver of Stars - Jojo Moyes.  Story of the Packhorse Librarians of depression era Kentucky.  A group of women, unlikely to become friends in any other circumstance worked together to build a library and deliver books to the poor, isolated, mountain inhabitants.  Sadly, just above Meh again.  But did have the power of women working together and the value books give us all.

The Autobiography of a Face - Lucy Grealy.  Poet Lucy Grealy's memoir of dealing with Ewing's Sarcoma of the jaw, the treatment and disfigurement she endured from age nine through adolescence and young adulthood.  It seemed lacking in some respects.  Her family dynamic felt strange and unexplained to me.  But, then again that is often how childhood is, isn't it?  Our parents behave in certain ways and make their choices and in many families we will never know why.  We certainly don't as children.  It also ended before sharing her life as an adult where it is reported that she became addicted to pain killers and did in fact die of what was deemed to be an accidental overdose at the age of 39.

February - 

The House of the Spirits - Isabel Allende.  Whew!!!  I was entranced with the interview Julia Marie Dreyfuss conducted with Isabel Allende on her podcast, Wiser Than Me.  It led me to this book.  And while I absolutely wanted to finish it, I'm not sure it was the book for me. Perhaps too mystical.  No characters I completely identified with.  A main protagonist I loathed.  Still, it was a tale of protest and rebellion - both loud and quiet - that did have a lot to say.

March - 

You Could Make this Place Beautiful - Maggie Smith.  Loved.  The spare prose of a poet shines with truth and feeling.  You could really feel her ache, love and strength.  

The Keeper of Lost Things - Ruth Hogan.  A bit odd.  Characters not as well rounded as they might have been.  But, interesting enough.

April - 

A Woman of No Importance - Sonia Purnell.  While the real life characters are incredible, as is the setting, the writing (probably in the effort to stick to absolutely what is known) felt stilted and repetitive.  Still, the story and the woman behind it, is more than inspiring.  

May - 

Still Life - Sarah Winman.  From Goodreads - "Tuscany, 1944: As Allied troops advance and bombs fall around deserted villages, a young English soldier, Ulysses Temper, finds himself in the wine cellar of a deserted villa. There, he has a chance encounter with Evelyn Skinner, a middle-aged art historian who has come to Italy to salvage paintings from the ruins and recall long-forgotten memories of her own youth. In each other, Ulysses and Evelyn find a kindred spirit amongst the rubble of war-torn Italy, and set off on a course of events that will shape Ulysses's life for the next four decades."   The story was well told, interesting characters, bounces from Italy to London and back again (which I enjoyed).  Pretty good read.

June -

The Very Secret Society Of Irregular Witches - Sangu Mandanna.  Loved it!!!!  Reminded me a bit of The House by the Cerulean Sea, which I also really liked.  Vivid characters.  Another reminder that love is love and family often has nothing to do with blood relatives.

The Wishing Game - Meg Shaffer.  Not quiet as good to me as the Irregular Witches, but very enjoyable read.  Meaningful characters.  The search for belonging and being cared for is universal.

Both of June's reads served to put the recent mediocre reads out of mind.  Glad to have found them!!!

It is so easy to be an arm chair critic, isn't it?  My sincere thanks to ALL the authors out there, even those who may not be MY particular cup of tea.  Thank you for your grinding solitary work.  For taking me places I've never been.  For allowing me to revisit those I have.  For inspiring me.  For bringing joy, and tears.  For making me think and listen.  I really do appreciate and admire all of you.

Happy reading.  c

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

All Eyes on Rafah - Chaotically Wonderful Words ~ James Baldwin


The children are always ours, every single one of them, all over the globe; and I am beginning to suspect that whoever is incapable of recognizing this may be incapable of morality.

                                                                                ~ James Baldwin

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Chaotically Wonderful Words ~ William Wordsworth


I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud 

I wandered lonely as a cloud

That floats on high o’er vales and hills,

When all at once I saw a crowd,

A host, of golden daffodils;

Beside the lake, beneath the trees,

Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine

And twinkle on the milky way,

They stretched in never-ending line

Along the margin of a bay:

Ten thousand saw I at a glance,

Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced; but they

Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:

A poet could not but be gay,

In such a jocund company:

I gazed—and gazed—but little thought

What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie

In vacant or in pensive mood,

They flash upon that inward eye

Which is the bliss of solitude;

And then my heart with pleasure fills,

And dances with the daffodils.

                            ~  William Wordsworth 

While our lovely daffodils have mostly finished - we still have more blooms here and coming...


Special Daffy from Cordell

Pansies planted by Jam!

B's Peach

Blood Root

More peaches


Lenten Rose

Buh Buh's Plums

Happy Spring.

    ~ Les 

And yes!  We have crossed yet another (14!!!!) April.  For those of you new to my insanity, this might explain:  Across 13 Aprils.  May your spring blossom into a wonderful summer.  Enjoy! c

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Sew Chaotically ~ S2648 - and it's giving....BANANA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 ...but Roo says she is down with it!

The result of what comes, occasionally, when ordering fabric on-line and not getting a swatch first.  I got this from Mood back in 2018, as Roo had been wanting a yellow knit dress that wasn't too flimpy. While this was listed as "Yellow solid stretch Neoprene" the description, at least per my understanding, did not indicate that it would be as thick and stiff as it turned out to be.  So....I waited for inspo.

A few weeks ago, Roo helped me go through my stash and she picked the fabric to go with this shift, which I've made for her before, saying, "It's definitely giving banana!  But, I'm down for that!!"

I cut it right after, but still let it marinate a minute as I thought about how to finish the seams.  As it was a double layer situation, I didn't think the fabric could be left unfinished as some knits can and serging would just make the seams more substantial than they already were. I finally hit upon using top stitching as both a finishing method and an added style feature.  After a few try-on's to slim it down, it fits her perfectly and looks lovely on her.  Not sure how comfy it will be as she noted the seams were rather itchy.  I told her wear and love it - or not.  We had a fun collab and managed to make SOMETHING out of that crazy material!!

And it was all yellow - or banana or Curious George!  But it is still good!  Sew and live chaotically!!! - c

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Chaotically Wonderful Words ~ Anais Nin


"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born."

I strive to be the same real person in my interactions with everyone.  And I think I do.  And I think that is good.  Still, I think it is also true that a friendship really does become a world of its own, where you become more of yourself and create a special combined entity with your friend that can never be completely shared with anyone else.  

I remain ever grateful to all of you - far and near - who have melded their world with mine.

                                                                                   ~ les

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

March Fourth!!!! And...Chaotically Wonderful Words ~ Topher Kearby


While I may not have posted on my favorite day - it did not go unnoticed!!!  I have been more than blessed and especially on that special day by the remembrance and celebration of it by my fav girls!!  My dear sweet Roo and Tam Bo and Danita were just three of my wonderful peeps who went above and beyond to let me know they were right there with me - Marching Fourth!!!!  Mother Nature did her part, too!

In celebrating all that is in my heart, through the words of others and in honor of Marching Fourth, I am starting a new bit on this old blog - Chaotically Wonderful Words.  I thought these were an apt beginning...

I am thankful for this wild heart and this creative mind.  

for they allow me to see past the limitations of this moment.

and look ahead to a future filled with endless potential and infinite possibilities.

                                                           ~ Topher Kearby

Wishing you every joy and simple beauty as you March Fourth.  Les