Along the same lines as my last post, this little top was an exercise in using bits and bobs (a remnant of the striped knit I used to make my last
Nikko top and a smidge of blue jersey that remained from a piece Ruthie gifted me that I used in making this dress -
M6752) from my stash that seemed "too big to waste" yet were challenging to make a garment from. Unlike the last make - my umpteenth version of the
Linden sweatshirt - this endeavor offered the chance to make a "wearable muslin" of a pattern I had yet to try, McCall's 7574. I think it turned out as cute as a bug!

Yes, when I say "scrap busting" I mean it!! There was so little fabric left that I could not match the stripes on the back nor even make more than one back piece in ONE piece! If you look closely, you will see the left back is finished off with two additional strips of fabric at the bottom!!!
BUT! I'm okay with that! I discovered I really like this pattern. The method for putting in the sleeves is a little different! It went together well. I made a medium with no alterations. Interestingly, the pattern offered lots of information and in depth instructions on how to make adjustments for all sorts of needs...bust, waist, shoulder, length....which is all very well. It's just that I found them a bit curious as this is a pattern specifically for quite forgiving stretch knits! Still, they are there should you need them! In the end, I got a cute little play/hiking shirt out of - SCRAPS!!!
Sew and live chaotically!!! ~ les |
You are doing great in utilizing your remnants!