Saturday, December 24, 2011
Rosie and I had fun baking cookies!! There are lemon butter cookies, ginger cookies, peppermint meringues, and caramel, pretzel, peanut topped blondies!!Yum!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
From a favorite poet...
Hope flies on dragonfly wings.
Thin glitter
whisked with the breeze.
Such a tiny, delicate song.
The trumpeting of the heart is so very loud.
Grating the soft meadows
with harsh hot and cold.
Together, the soft and the weak,
the proud and the overpowering,
can make such a melody
to soothe
the sadness
that lingers in our
tired hands.
C. Rose Morris
(Was intending to send this to Dr. M. I think he would have liked it.) Enjoy. - c
Thin glitter
whisked with the breeze.
Such a tiny, delicate song.
The trumpeting of the heart is so very loud.
Grating the soft meadows
with harsh hot and cold.
Together, the soft and the weak,
the proud and the overpowering,
can make such a melody
to soothe
the sadness
that lingers in our
tired hands.
C. Rose Morris
(Was intending to send this to Dr. M. I think he would have liked it.) Enjoy. - c
Monday, December 19, 2011
Today I lost...
...a dear friend, a wonderful mentor, a kindred spirit in the world of words and music. His family lost even more.
You always said, what our patients and families wanted most was 'to be known'. I hope you knew....I knew YOU. As much as any of us can. Thanks for giving me my start, for putting up with my questions, enduring my feeble reports. Thanks for sharing books and music with me. Thanks for your gentle smile. Thanks for your incredible support. Thanks..for being you. Your light is gone and for those of us you left behind there are corners that will be forever dimmed. I must remember how lucky I have have been in the presence of your grace...if only for a little while. Much love - c
You always said, what our patients and families wanted most was 'to be known'. I hope you knew....I knew YOU. As much as any of us can. Thanks for giving me my start, for putting up with my questions, enduring my feeble reports. Thanks for sharing books and music with me. Thanks for your gentle smile. Thanks for your incredible support. Thanks..for being you. Your light is gone and for those of us you left behind there are corners that will be forever dimmed. I must remember how lucky I have have been in the presence of your grace...if only for a little while. Much love - c
Saturday, December 17, 2011
All the critters are home!
Plus one! Fred got back last week. A friend of his...and ours...joined us yesterday. And we all went down to Atlanta to pick up Rosie and her things today! With Bent and T and Fred-o moving and was a piece of cake!! Got to get back in the cooking groove for some big, active appetites! Rosie and I have already planned out the coming week. It's fun to have the busy bees back for a while!
Doing pretty well myself. Did the elliptical yesterday. With our early am start, moving Roo, and playing hookie with the kids this evening...that was all the exercise I managed today. I am confident Rosie will help whip me back into my routine in the coming weeks. Mouth ulcers remain...but the headache is finally that's a good thing.
Got a letter of apology from the aforementioned 'J. MD'...."Your thoughtful and detailed letter has allowed me to reflect on my deficiences." (His spelling..not mine. Have to admit, that sentence made me smile!) "Beginning your visit without reading your chart was incompetent. My remarks exhibited insensitivity and callousness on my part....In the future, I promise that my patient encounters will be attended with more compassion." Hmmmm, guess it's hard to remember to do spell check with one arm twisted behind your back by your internationally acclaimed attending! Perhaps I am too cynical. Hopefully, J actually learned something...if only that some patients will actually call you out...and adjust his efforts so that such complaints will never be needed again. Or maybe....he will really think about what it feels like to be the PATIENT! You reckon? - c
Doing pretty well myself. Did the elliptical yesterday. With our early am start, moving Roo, and playing hookie with the kids this evening...that was all the exercise I managed today. I am confident Rosie will help whip me back into my routine in the coming weeks. Mouth ulcers remain...but the headache is finally that's a good thing.
Got a letter of apology from the aforementioned 'J. MD'...."Your thoughtful and detailed letter has allowed me to reflect on my deficiences." (His spelling..not mine. Have to admit, that sentence made me smile!) "Beginning your visit without reading your chart was incompetent. My remarks exhibited insensitivity and callousness on my part....In the future, I promise that my patient encounters will be attended with more compassion." Hmmmm, guess it's hard to remember to do spell check with one arm twisted behind your back by your internationally acclaimed attending! Perhaps I am too cynical. Hopefully, J actually learned something...if only that some patients will actually call you out...and adjust his efforts so that such complaints will never be needed again. Or maybe....he will really think about what it feels like to be the PATIENT! You reckon? - c
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Go Team Steven!!!
"Are you ready for the next evolution?"
"Oooooooouuuuuu Yah, Master Chief!" (Rosie and I are fans of G.I.Jane!!!)
But, my friend, Steven, is fighting the real deal with the start of his second round of IL2 today!!! Hang in there, Steven! We're all rooting for you!
As for me, made it through my three 12 hour shifts for this week!!! Still a bit tired and achy. Mouth lesions returned last night, making my teeth feel like serrated knives...which I guess they a way.
It's been a bit exciting around here with the motor of one of the heating units dying a loud and vibrating sort of death while Fred and I ate supper last night. Poor Zeno didn't know what had happened in his normally quiet little world. But, Fred was on it today while Brent and I were at work, getting that repaired and the gutters cleaned. Tomorrow, roofing guys are supposed to at least make contact. Because, no....the gutter repair did not! (Repair anything...that is!!!) Perhaps we will have all our repairs accomplished before the New Year. It would help a great deal in the meeting of that goal if things would stop breaking! Oh, well.... Peds Care Christmas party tomorrow. It should be fun. - c
"Oooooooouuuuuu Yah, Master Chief!" (Rosie and I are fans of G.I.Jane!!!)
But, my friend, Steven, is fighting the real deal with the start of his second round of IL2 today!!! Hang in there, Steven! We're all rooting for you!
As for me, made it through my three 12 hour shifts for this week!!! Still a bit tired and achy. Mouth lesions returned last night, making my teeth feel like serrated knives...which I guess they a way.
It's been a bit exciting around here with the motor of one of the heating units dying a loud and vibrating sort of death while Fred and I ate supper last night. Poor Zeno didn't know what had happened in his normally quiet little world. But, Fred was on it today while Brent and I were at work, getting that repaired and the gutters cleaned. Tomorrow, roofing guys are supposed to at least make contact. Because, no....the gutter repair did not! (Repair anything...that is!!!) Perhaps we will have all our repairs accomplished before the New Year. It would help a great deal in the meeting of that goal if things would stop breaking! Oh, well.... Peds Care Christmas party tomorrow. It should be fun. - c
Sunday, December 11, 2011 AM I feeling???
My wrists started feeling achy on the way home. Have had a lingering headache for two days with continued arthralgias in wrists, ankles, knees, and elbows. My muscles sort of ache as though I did a big workout about 30 hours ago..which I did not!!! But, it is not as bad as with the last infusion. Baked a pie and cake this morning, made up a batch of spaghetti sauce, and put together a meatloaf and stuffed bell peppers to bake off later this week. (I did have a wonderful Fred-o sou chef!) This afternoon I did 15 minutes on the elliptical with a respectable rate. So....I'm fine and plan to go off to work tomorrow! Though wondering whether you are having strange symptoms can make you feel a little psycho!!! - c
The hands down, most obnoxious, infuriating, insensitive, jerk I have EVER met masquerading as a medical professional!
This is a letter I actually sent to said individual. I doubt it will do any good, but, at least I tried. And, in no way, do I hold Dr. Weber accountable for Jerk's behavior (though via a copy of this letter he will be informed of it). I can only hope that Jerk will avail himself of the role model Dr. Weber provides...from the way he speaks to patients, his unhurried manner when answering their questions, his thoroughness in taking a history and doing an exam, and the genuine kindness and empathy he routinely conveys.
Dear Jerk MD (which in this case I can only presume stands for “mentally deficient”),
We “met” Friday in Dr. Weber’s clinic. However, you and I didn’t really. That is because when you entered the room you spent your first 2 minutes greeting and speaking to my husband, with not so much as a glance in my direction. He is a handsome and engaging man, to be sure, but I was the patient sitting in a hospital gown on the exam table who should have been the sole person of interest to you in that particular room. I have been caring for patients for 27 years, part of that time as a professor of nursing. Nurses, along with actual doctors of medicine, recognize that no matter if the patient is 2 weeks old or in a coma…they are the first person you should greet in a patient/provider encounter. Why? Well, first of all, it’s just good form, Jerk. Secondly, if you actually give your patient your attention for the first minute or two you can learn an incredible amount. You can note skin turgor, scars, lesions, obvious deformities, developmental stage. You can ascertain pain level by how they hold themselves, energy level by how they brighten, or not, at your greeting, general level of well being, by how well groomed they may or may not be. Get the idea?
To my husband, you announced that you were doing a fellowship in hemoc. Really? Given what transpired, your medical school and residency program should lose accreditation immediately. If that is not true, and you are actually a resident, you are misrepresenting yourself in a most reprehensible way.
At any rate, it rapidly became clear that you knew absolutely nothing about me. You know? You didn’t even have to be smart. You just needed to flip through the chart before walking in. So…not knowing what else to do, you start going through my med list…not well mind you.
Jerk: “So…you take….ahhhh….albuterol?”
Jerk: “Uhhhhh….and Symbicort? Oh so, like you have some asthma?”
Really, Jerk? But, wait….it gets better!!!!
Jerk: “Oh, so you’re on hormone replacement therapy?”
Patient: “No. Birth control pills.”
Jerk: “Oh, well….I didn’t really know how to ask, you know as you’re a woman of a certain age…hee hee.”
Patient: [not smiling] “Well, don’t ask it like that!”
Jerk: “Uhhhh. So… are you feeling?”
Patient: “Fine.”
Jerk: “Sooooo….are you having any…..uhhhhh, side effects?” [While flipping through the chart rather randomly.]
Patient: “Do you even know what trial I’m on?”
Jerk: [Shocked face, making it abundantly clear that he does indeed…NOT!] “Uhhhh…” [Looking desperately at the chart…] “You’re on number 155597.” (I am actually making that number up, although 55 was in it…all other quotes are absolutely verbatim.)
Patient: “And what medicine am I getting?”
Jerk: “One of the medicines that Dr. Weber….”
Patient: “Anti-PD1 and vaccines.”
Suffice it to say, conversation with you was a pointless endeavor. You did a rather lame “exam”. If Dr. Weber expected you to do the exam, I would love to read my chart to see what you dry-labbed since you did no eye exam, did not palpate my liver or spleen, did not do a thorough inspection of my skin, and found the inguinal nodes only when I showed you where they were. FYI…none of the things you were supposed to be seeking are peri-umbilical.
You were in my room, allowed to see my chart, given tacit permission to speak to me and touch me by my grace (mine, Dr. Weber’s and Moffitt’s, I suppose). All providers are allowed to have intimate knowledge and contact with their patients only by their grace. And trust me, your patients will not return to see you a second time unless you learn to treat people very differently or unless they are truly desperate and have NO other resources. In your case, as a student of some ilk, you are providing NOTHING. All patients who suffer your ministrations are getting nothing in return. As students, as we all once were, you should be doubly careful not to waste a patient’s time more than you already are. You are offering no services. Instead, you are in desperate need of theirs.
“Woman of a certain age”….really? Who the hell do you think you are? What did you say to Dr. Weber’s next patient? “Wow! You’re 65! Why are you even bothering with cancer treatment? You’re bound to die soon from old age??!” What if your next provider refers to you as a “Man of certain height challenges and questionable masculine mannerisms”? Don’t think you would care for that very much. It is bad enough to be treated in an off-hand, insulting manner by a grocery clerk. It is unconscionable to be treated so by a physician.
I doubt this will have much effect on you. It should. But, if you are already in a fellowship, you have a long history of bad habits to undo. Hopefully, you will make valuable use of your time with Dr. Weber. He ALWAYS greets the patient first, knows their history when he steps in the room, can do one of the most thorough yet rapid physicals I have ever observed, and retains kindness and a sense of humor during it all. Given his brilliance in his field and the desperation of his patient population, he could get by with much less….but he doesn’t. You don’t have his expertise to offer…but more importantly you are utterly lacking in his compassion. Perhaps, you could attain some level of expertise, I am fearful that compassion for the human spirit will continue to elude you.
Celeste Morris, RN, MSN, C-PNP….and most importantly, PATIENT
Dear Jerk MD (which in this case I can only presume stands for “mentally deficient”),
We “met” Friday in Dr. Weber’s clinic. However, you and I didn’t really. That is because when you entered the room you spent your first 2 minutes greeting and speaking to my husband, with not so much as a glance in my direction. He is a handsome and engaging man, to be sure, but I was the patient sitting in a hospital gown on the exam table who should have been the sole person of interest to you in that particular room. I have been caring for patients for 27 years, part of that time as a professor of nursing. Nurses, along with actual doctors of medicine, recognize that no matter if the patient is 2 weeks old or in a coma…they are the first person you should greet in a patient/provider encounter. Why? Well, first of all, it’s just good form, Jerk. Secondly, if you actually give your patient your attention for the first minute or two you can learn an incredible amount. You can note skin turgor, scars, lesions, obvious deformities, developmental stage. You can ascertain pain level by how they hold themselves, energy level by how they brighten, or not, at your greeting, general level of well being, by how well groomed they may or may not be. Get the idea?
To my husband, you announced that you were doing a fellowship in hemoc. Really? Given what transpired, your medical school and residency program should lose accreditation immediately. If that is not true, and you are actually a resident, you are misrepresenting yourself in a most reprehensible way.
At any rate, it rapidly became clear that you knew absolutely nothing about me. You know? You didn’t even have to be smart. You just needed to flip through the chart before walking in. So…not knowing what else to do, you start going through my med list…not well mind you.
Jerk: “So…you take….ahhhh….albuterol?”
Jerk: “Uhhhhh….and Symbicort? Oh so, like you have some asthma?”
Really, Jerk? But, wait….it gets better!!!!
Jerk: “Oh, so you’re on hormone replacement therapy?”
Patient: “No. Birth control pills.”
Jerk: “Oh, well….I didn’t really know how to ask, you know as you’re a woman of a certain age…hee hee.”
Patient: [not smiling] “Well, don’t ask it like that!”
Jerk: “Uhhhh. So… are you feeling?”
Patient: “Fine.”
Jerk: “Sooooo….are you having any…..uhhhhh, side effects?” [While flipping through the chart rather randomly.]
Patient: “Do you even know what trial I’m on?”
Jerk: [Shocked face, making it abundantly clear that he does indeed…NOT!] “Uhhhh…” [Looking desperately at the chart…] “You’re on number 155597.” (I am actually making that number up, although 55 was in it…all other quotes are absolutely verbatim.)
Patient: “And what medicine am I getting?”
Jerk: “One of the medicines that Dr. Weber….”
Patient: “Anti-PD1 and vaccines.”
Suffice it to say, conversation with you was a pointless endeavor. You did a rather lame “exam”. If Dr. Weber expected you to do the exam, I would love to read my chart to see what you dry-labbed since you did no eye exam, did not palpate my liver or spleen, did not do a thorough inspection of my skin, and found the inguinal nodes only when I showed you where they were. FYI…none of the things you were supposed to be seeking are peri-umbilical.
You were in my room, allowed to see my chart, given tacit permission to speak to me and touch me by my grace (mine, Dr. Weber’s and Moffitt’s, I suppose). All providers are allowed to have intimate knowledge and contact with their patients only by their grace. And trust me, your patients will not return to see you a second time unless you learn to treat people very differently or unless they are truly desperate and have NO other resources. In your case, as a student of some ilk, you are providing NOTHING. All patients who suffer your ministrations are getting nothing in return. As students, as we all once were, you should be doubly careful not to waste a patient’s time more than you already are. You are offering no services. Instead, you are in desperate need of theirs.
“Woman of a certain age”….really? Who the hell do you think you are? What did you say to Dr. Weber’s next patient? “Wow! You’re 65! Why are you even bothering with cancer treatment? You’re bound to die soon from old age??!” What if your next provider refers to you as a “Man of certain height challenges and questionable masculine mannerisms”? Don’t think you would care for that very much. It is bad enough to be treated in an off-hand, insulting manner by a grocery clerk. It is unconscionable to be treated so by a physician.
I doubt this will have much effect on you. It should. But, if you are already in a fellowship, you have a long history of bad habits to undo. Hopefully, you will make valuable use of your time with Dr. Weber. He ALWAYS greets the patient first, knows their history when he steps in the room, can do one of the most thorough yet rapid physicals I have ever observed, and retains kindness and a sense of humor during it all. Given his brilliance in his field and the desperation of his patient population, he could get by with much less….but he doesn’t. You don’t have his expertise to offer…but more importantly you are utterly lacking in his compassion. Perhaps, you could attain some level of expertise, I am fearful that compassion for the human spirit will continue to elude you.
Celeste Morris, RN, MSN, C-PNP….and most importantly, PATIENT
Anti-PD1 info
We had a later appointment time on this visit, but saw all our usual folks at the CRU. Had our original nurse again and she always does a good job. IV was started easily and boatloads of lab was drawn. Walked over to the office to wait to see Dr. Weber. There, all new check-in staff, save one, were registering patients. The turnover there is pretty impressive. At any rate, our person, new to us, had trouble finding me in the computer, despite the fact that I've been going there a year now, had already been checked in that very day in the CRU, and was in possession of an arm band and an IV. Oh well, that was not the disturbing portion, rather it was her lamenting that she was so glad it was Friday since she had had such a busy two weeks and was sooooo tired. Why, just last Friday there had been standing room only in the waiting room...ALL DAY...and it had just worn her out! Brent's eyes took on that worried...oh, she goes look.... But, I resisted... I'll just say it here.... "Really, honey????!!!!! You poor thing. Just think, you still had a chair for you fat arse while cancer patients STOOD in your waiting room....having a gay old time, I'm sure!!!!" I'm telling you, I am going to write a book....What NOT to say to Cancer Patients, So You Don't Look Like a Complete Schmuck!!!!
We were soon placed in our usual exam room only to be visited by the hands down, most obnoxious, infuriating, insensitive, jerk I have EVER met masquerading as a medical professional. Worry not....explanation to all that on next entry. I pass over it now, as I did most of it get to the real reason we were there...the acquisition of information about me and my fellow anti-PD1 lab rats!!! Dr. Weber arrived and Jerk M.D. (MD in this case stands for "mentally deficient") was silenced.
Because there were new developments on my CT scan (the notation of enlarging inguinal nodes and the granulomas in my anterior thighs) and some obscure spot in my left cerebellum according to my local radiologist (Who was very nice and spoke with Brent at length about all her findings...yet was still convinced that there are three places in my brain that appear to have been irradiated with no activity...but absolutely there in her opinion and explained away by nothing else...though Brent assured her that there was only the one lesion in the right frontal lobe that had actually been, we and Weber have long known about the granulomas and inguinal nodes that developed as sequelae to my vaccines which Brent eplained as well.) Dr. Weber is going to have them reviewed at the meeting of the Moffitt Tumor Board on Wednesday. He said he didn't think anything was a problem but thought it would be a good idea to review them. He said he would let us know if there were any findings, stated that he felt that I was doing well, and gave the ok for my infusion.
Here is my best report of what he said regarding the trial in general:
All three groups (1, 3, and 10mg/kg) of the NON-resected arm are currently in process. The number of patients in the last, 10mg/kg group, was not made absolutely clear, but I deduce it is full with its requisite 10 because of other numbers sited later. The 1 and 3mg/kg groups are full and the 10mg/kg group for the RESECTED arm will begin in January.
When asked what exactly made up a "handful of patients with vitiligo", we were told "3 or 4 out of 50". (That is part of the information that leads us to believe that all 3 goups of the nonresected arm are filled at 30 with 20 more from the first two groups of the resected...for a total of 50 patients enrolled currently.) SO...those numbers for the development of vitiligo are roughly 8%. In other studies with biologic therapies, the rate of vitiligo runs about 3%, including the last data reported with Yervoy (ipi). Although, there was one IL2 study that demonstrated a rate of vitiligo development at about 25%.
We already know that 2 patients were taken off my study group early on. One individual developed swelling of the optic nerve on the 3mg/kg group, though I don't know if they were resected or non. We also know that 4 people "failed" anti-PD1 and Dr. Weber placed them on ipi. 2 of them responded. He seems to feel that some people will respond to anti-PD1 and others will respond to ipi. He also seems to think that for some, being primed with one, will allow for increased response to the other if given subsequently. I imagine it as a venn diagram with individual responders to the individual drugs on either side and the center circle containing those who do well when they are combined.
I asked what sort of study he would like to do regarding anti-PD1 next. Dr. Weber replied that he would like to do a "sandwich study" with patients getting a couple months of anti-PD1 followed by ipi then finish up with some prescribed quantity of anti-PD1. He said he didn't know if he could get it going, but he had been pretty good at getting funding so
And our final question was about overall response....he told us that there had been "10 responders out of 26". We can only assume that that would be a count from the NONresected side. Because, there were 30 minus the 4 who failed. Plus, how do you tell if I, or anybody else in the REsected side is responding. The only thing you can tell about us is if we were to DEVELOP something...then we are NOT responding....OR...if in 10 years we are still disease free....then....Yep! We responded!!!! At any rate, "10 responders out of 26" is roughly 40% which is consistent with the only other phase I anti-PD1 study data available, completed by Snzol at Yale. The caveat is, my study included vaccines and I don't think anyone knows what implication that will have on the final results, if any.
Walked back over to the my CHAIR!!!! and infusion with no misadventures. Back to the airport, managed to snag a ride on the 4:20 flight rather than the 6:30 one we were slated for. Had a great dinner at a little Cuban place with Roo and drove back home for a good chat with Freddie who was home with the pups waiting for us!!! Can't believe I have been doing this for a full year!!!! Especially, the 6 months of every other week visits!!! Oh, well....done 'til March!!!! - c
We were soon placed in our usual exam room only to be visited by the hands down, most obnoxious, infuriating, insensitive, jerk I have EVER met masquerading as a medical professional. Worry not....explanation to all that on next entry. I pass over it now, as I did most of it get to the real reason we were there...the acquisition of information about me and my fellow anti-PD1 lab rats!!! Dr. Weber arrived and Jerk M.D. (MD in this case stands for "mentally deficient") was silenced.
Because there were new developments on my CT scan (the notation of enlarging inguinal nodes and the granulomas in my anterior thighs) and some obscure spot in my left cerebellum according to my local radiologist (Who was very nice and spoke with Brent at length about all her findings...yet was still convinced that there are three places in my brain that appear to have been irradiated with no activity...but absolutely there in her opinion and explained away by nothing else...though Brent assured her that there was only the one lesion in the right frontal lobe that had actually been, we and Weber have long known about the granulomas and inguinal nodes that developed as sequelae to my vaccines which Brent eplained as well.) Dr. Weber is going to have them reviewed at the meeting of the Moffitt Tumor Board on Wednesday. He said he didn't think anything was a problem but thought it would be a good idea to review them. He said he would let us know if there were any findings, stated that he felt that I was doing well, and gave the ok for my infusion.
Here is my best report of what he said regarding the trial in general:
All three groups (1, 3, and 10mg/kg) of the NON-resected arm are currently in process. The number of patients in the last, 10mg/kg group, was not made absolutely clear, but I deduce it is full with its requisite 10 because of other numbers sited later. The 1 and 3mg/kg groups are full and the 10mg/kg group for the RESECTED arm will begin in January.
When asked what exactly made up a "handful of patients with vitiligo", we were told "3 or 4 out of 50". (That is part of the information that leads us to believe that all 3 goups of the nonresected arm are filled at 30 with 20 more from the first two groups of the resected...for a total of 50 patients enrolled currently.) SO...those numbers for the development of vitiligo are roughly 8%. In other studies with biologic therapies, the rate of vitiligo runs about 3%, including the last data reported with Yervoy (ipi). Although, there was one IL2 study that demonstrated a rate of vitiligo development at about 25%.
We already know that 2 patients were taken off my study group early on. One individual developed swelling of the optic nerve on the 3mg/kg group, though I don't know if they were resected or non. We also know that 4 people "failed" anti-PD1 and Dr. Weber placed them on ipi. 2 of them responded. He seems to feel that some people will respond to anti-PD1 and others will respond to ipi. He also seems to think that for some, being primed with one, will allow for increased response to the other if given subsequently. I imagine it as a venn diagram with individual responders to the individual drugs on either side and the center circle containing those who do well when they are combined.
I asked what sort of study he would like to do regarding anti-PD1 next. Dr. Weber replied that he would like to do a "sandwich study" with patients getting a couple months of anti-PD1 followed by ipi then finish up with some prescribed quantity of anti-PD1. He said he didn't know if he could get it going, but he had been pretty good at getting funding so
And our final question was about overall response....he told us that there had been "10 responders out of 26". We can only assume that that would be a count from the NONresected side. Because, there were 30 minus the 4 who failed. Plus, how do you tell if I, or anybody else in the REsected side is responding. The only thing you can tell about us is if we were to DEVELOP something...then we are NOT responding....OR...if in 10 years we are still disease free....then....Yep! We responded!!!! At any rate, "10 responders out of 26" is roughly 40% which is consistent with the only other phase I anti-PD1 study data available, completed by Snzol at Yale. The caveat is, my study included vaccines and I don't think anyone knows what implication that will have on the final results, if any.
Walked back over to the my CHAIR!!!! and infusion with no misadventures. Back to the airport, managed to snag a ride on the 4:20 flight rather than the 6:30 one we were slated for. Had a great dinner at a little Cuban place with Roo and drove back home for a good chat with Freddie who was home with the pups waiting for us!!! Can't believe I have been doing this for a full year!!!! Especially, the 6 months of every other week visits!!! Oh, well....done 'til March!!!! - c
There was snow on the ground, so anti-PD1 and Tampa... we come! I know it's time for my bug juice since I finally feel fully energized, though nightly itching, occasional weird rashes, ever increasing vitiligo, and the sensation that my tongue still feels as though it's been run over by a road grader...continues! At any rate, we left a bit of snow on the ground on Signal Mountain for an uneventful trip to Atlanta. Made it through security just fine, cause I know where they don't have the scanners set up! (That's pretty scary, isn't it you TSA peeps?!!) The flight down was easy enough. Went to pick up our car and the only one available in the "compact" section wouldn't crank!!! So, Brent went off for a chat and we got "upgraded" to a Nissan Sentra that drove like a truck...but at least it cranked!
Then, we were off for another Tampa adventure! Despite its seaside location, finding a good seafood restaurant in Tampa has been a bit of a challenge. And according to Yelp and Chowhound websites, apparently that is true even for the folks who live there. At any rate, one name kept getting rave reviews...Walt'z Fish Shak in Madeira Beach. There was only one catch....they serve a daily menu based on the fish they have and once it's gone, they close. But, Brent was set on going. As soon as we were in the car, he had them on the phone to see if they could predict whether they would still be open when we got there. They thought we could make it from the airport by 8, and so yes, they said they would still be open.
Despite a few missed turns we arrived just at 8 with no real problems. Though I have to say, while I admire the spirit, Christmas lights and blow-up snowmen look really odd when combined with palms. Walt'z looks to be a converted house right on the water, small and cozy, with waiters and chef mingling with the patrons...calling out as we walked in, "Are you the folks who called from the airport?" We had fabulous boiled shrimp (pinks) served while still warm with a delicious horseradish dipping sauce. I had scamp (grouper) lightly fried (perfectly) with a salad and Brent had blackened snapper with rice and peas. The entire staff was friendly and charming and the food was great. A real find. I told them they were the special fun for my trip.
Then, it was back to our La Quinta home away from home and rest before our fun at Moffitt. But, a special thanks to Walt'z and mostly to B...who works so hard to make my trips fun. Love you, B! - c
Then, we were off for another Tampa adventure! Despite its seaside location, finding a good seafood restaurant in Tampa has been a bit of a challenge. And according to Yelp and Chowhound websites, apparently that is true even for the folks who live there. At any rate, one name kept getting rave reviews...Walt'z Fish Shak in Madeira Beach. There was only one catch....they serve a daily menu based on the fish they have and once it's gone, they close. But, Brent was set on going. As soon as we were in the car, he had them on the phone to see if they could predict whether they would still be open when we got there. They thought we could make it from the airport by 8, and so yes, they said they would still be open.
Despite a few missed turns we arrived just at 8 with no real problems. Though I have to say, while I admire the spirit, Christmas lights and blow-up snowmen look really odd when combined with palms. Walt'z looks to be a converted house right on the water, small and cozy, with waiters and chef mingling with the patrons...calling out as we walked in, "Are you the folks who called from the airport?" We had fabulous boiled shrimp (pinks) served while still warm with a delicious horseradish dipping sauce. I had scamp (grouper) lightly fried (perfectly) with a salad and Brent had blackened snapper with rice and peas. The entire staff was friendly and charming and the food was great. A real find. I told them they were the special fun for my trip.
Then, it was back to our La Quinta home away from home and rest before our fun at Moffitt. But, a special thanks to Walt'z and mostly to B...who works so hard to make my trips fun. Love you, B! - c
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Fall....on Signal Mountain, TN....

INSANITY fit test....number three!!!
This is for you, Roo!
EXERCISE 8/12 8/25 12/3
switch kicks 120 124 130
power jacks 47 49 56
power knees 75 90 100
power jumps 30 35 37
globe jumps 5 9 11
suicide jumps 10 14 16
low plank oblique 30 42 45
Wouldn't say that it's any easier...but at least the numbers are a little better!!! Figured I better do it now before anti-PD1 kicks my butt next week!!!
Keep on pushing! - c
EXERCISE 8/12 8/25 12/3
switch kicks 120 124 130
power jacks 47 49 56
power knees 75 90 100
power jumps 30 35 37
globe jumps 5 9 11
suicide jumps 10 14 16
low plank oblique 30 42 45
Wouldn't say that it's any easier...but at least the numbers are a little better!!! Figured I better do it now before anti-PD1 kicks my butt next week!!!
Keep on pushing! - c
Latest info on anti-pd1...
Check out:
Scroll down to "Saturday" and at number can click on Dr. Weber's presentation.
He talks about ipi in general. He notes that anti-PD1 priming followed by anti-CTLA-4 boosting might be useful. Two patients who failed anti-PD1 had a major response when subsequently placed on ipi. He discusses my cohort (Phase 1 trial of HLA A*0201 positive patients with resected stage IV melanoma with dosing every 2 weeks up to 24 weeks, then every 12 weeks for up to 2 years....1, 3, and 10mg/kg cohorts in groups of 10 and multi-peptide vaccines given with every injection up to week 24.) He reports that "one episode of grade 3 colitis was observed" at 3 mg/kg; "grade 1-2 fatigue, hypothyroidism, dry mouth and rash were the most commonly seen toxicities, and there were several infusion-related hypersensitivity reactions without sequelae"; "vitiligo was observed in a handful of patients and may correlate with response"; "side effects did not appear to be cumulative and predominantly occurred in the first 4-8 weeks". In final comments he states: "I believe that a phase III randomized placebo controlled stage IV NED trial with anti-PD1 antibody should be conducted." take on all that....well, vitiligo, granuloma flares, itching, weird mouth situation, and enlarged inguinal nodes did become evident around my 4th infusion. However, in my opinion, the effects are most certainly cumulative as they have become much more prevalent and consistent over time (not just flaring after the infusion and diminishing as it was about time for another dose) and have continued even as I am now on the every 3 month dosing schedule. I suppose his call for additional trials means that he thinks anti-PD1 holds promise. However, it is ironic that in the coming trials some portion of the participants will not be getting the drug. I feel a far better trial would be to pit anti-PD1 against ipi rather than placebo. I think we are all clear on what happens to stage IV melanoma patients with no treatment.
For what it's worth....c
Scroll down to "Saturday" and at number can click on Dr. Weber's presentation.
He talks about ipi in general. He notes that anti-PD1 priming followed by anti-CTLA-4 boosting might be useful. Two patients who failed anti-PD1 had a major response when subsequently placed on ipi. He discusses my cohort (Phase 1 trial of HLA A*0201 positive patients with resected stage IV melanoma with dosing every 2 weeks up to 24 weeks, then every 12 weeks for up to 2 years....1, 3, and 10mg/kg cohorts in groups of 10 and multi-peptide vaccines given with every injection up to week 24.) He reports that "one episode of grade 3 colitis was observed" at 3 mg/kg; "grade 1-2 fatigue, hypothyroidism, dry mouth and rash were the most commonly seen toxicities, and there were several infusion-related hypersensitivity reactions without sequelae"; "vitiligo was observed in a handful of patients and may correlate with response"; "side effects did not appear to be cumulative and predominantly occurred in the first 4-8 weeks". In final comments he states: "I believe that a phase III randomized placebo controlled stage IV NED trial with anti-PD1 antibody should be conducted." take on all that....well, vitiligo, granuloma flares, itching, weird mouth situation, and enlarged inguinal nodes did become evident around my 4th infusion. However, in my opinion, the effects are most certainly cumulative as they have become much more prevalent and consistent over time (not just flaring after the infusion and diminishing as it was about time for another dose) and have continued even as I am now on the every 3 month dosing schedule. I suppose his call for additional trials means that he thinks anti-PD1 holds promise. However, it is ironic that in the coming trials some portion of the participants will not be getting the drug. I feel a far better trial would be to pit anti-PD1 against ipi rather than placebo. I think we are all clear on what happens to stage IV melanoma patients with no treatment.
For what it's worth....c
Anti-pd1 trials galore!!!!
This month marks a full year of my being under anti-PD1 treatment (MDX-1106 by Bristol Meyers Squibb) combined with vaccines at Moffitt in Tampa. However, anti-PD1 is now in development by 5 companies (BMS - MDX-1106, CureTech - CT-011, Merck/Scherring Plough - MK-3475/SCH 900475, Amplimmune/Glaxo Smith Kline - AMP-224, Genentec - no drug name yet). However, the Genentec drug is technically an anti-PD1 ligand. Trials for all of these include my BMS combo with vaccines at Moffitt as well as a new CureTech trial opening at Moffitt. CureTech is also opening trials at Yale, Dartmouth, and locations in New York, Boston, Europe, and Israel. Merck/Sherring Plough is opening sites in San Antonio, Houston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Toronto. Amplimmune will have sites in Detroit, North Carolina, and Nashville. BMS also has trials in New York and at Yale.
So far, BMS has been in the lead with trials already in process, but it looks like game on for the rest of them. Hope, they know what they are doing and there is real promise here. Usually pharma knows where to place it's we will data remains hard to come by....more on that next.....
So far, BMS has been in the lead with trials already in process, but it looks like game on for the rest of them. Hope, they know what they are doing and there is real promise here. Usually pharma knows where to place it's we will data remains hard to come by....more on that next.....
Scans done...and all is well!
I did CT's of the neck, chest, abdomen, and pelvis along with an MRI of the brain yesterday. Brent's review of the films along with the radiologist's report indicate that there is no sign of active metastatic disease. There was the usual discourse of this blip and blank in my head along with, finally, recognition of the enlarged lymph nodes in my groin and the granulomas in my thighs...which the radiologist found very puzzling....but the rest of us know all about those!!! So.....we will be off to Tampa for some more bug juice next week.
Thanks for all the support that has been sent my way! Much love - c
Thanks for all the support that has been sent my way! Much love - c
Sunday, November 27, 2011
My children are INSANE!!!!!
Insanity workout with Fred-o while Rosie did the elliptical!!! They are two tough cookies!!! Such a great long weekend with them...bout to head out to Wally World for needed supplies and then back to Hot'lanta and K'ville respectively. Gonna miss'em SOOOOOOOOOOO much. Love you both!!!!!! Take care of my insane babies!!!! - mommy
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Good luck, Steven!!!!
Please join me in wishing the very best for a friend I met in melanoma world who is being inducted into his first IL2 treatment today!!!! Hope it goes as easily as possible with great success!
I've been having a good time...first with a visit with Rosie in Atlanta after work on Wednesday, and then we all managed to converge here at home on Thursday morning. It's been great to have time together ever since!! Good food. Good laughs. Great insane work-out with both kids yesterday!
Hoping all of you have been able to enjoy time with your loved ones as well! - c
I've been having a good time...first with a visit with Rosie in Atlanta after work on Wednesday, and then we all managed to converge here at home on Thursday morning. It's been great to have time together ever since!! Good food. Good laughs. Great insane work-out with both kids yesterday!
Hoping all of you have been able to enjoy time with your loved ones as well! - c
Sunday, November 20, 2011
....except for the family fun! With Brent's help we've done all the shopping and the wrapping. What with Thanksgiving this week, scans next week, Tampa the next, picking up the Roo the next....well...the schedule got a bit tight! Anyhow, it's done now and I can just chill and enjoy the ride. Did insanity and the elliptical and enjoyed friends along with fun with Brent and a little yard work this weekend. Just had a nice dinner of pork chops, baked sweet potatoes, and green beans with a delicious Cabernet Franc from Spann Vineyards in Sonoma with my baby. Soooo yummy! Thanks, Bent. For everything. - c
Friday, November 18, 2011
Factors that influence survival at time of stage IV diagnosis per Atkins
Still missing the talk that went with the slides! But, it a different kind of melanoma in that subset of patients around the facillity....or do we all just need to make a run for M D Anderson?????
Be yourself.....
....because somebody has to....and you're the closest! Just Only John
Be who you are
And say what you feel,
Because those who mind
don't matter -
And those who matter, don't mind! Dr. Seuss
For all those frogs out's not easy being green! Just keep doing it...with style and a smile! Have a great day! - c
Be who you are
And say what you feel,
Because those who mind
don't matter -
And those who matter, don't mind! Dr. Seuss
For all those frogs out's not easy being green! Just keep doing it...with style and a smile! Have a great day! - c
Monday, November 14, 2011
Slide presentation of treatments for stage IV melanoma by Soznol
Brent found this today and thought it might interest you. Covers current treatment options for Stage IV melanoma.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Gotta love Vince!
Last night, Brent and I attended the Vince Gill charity concert he does each year for the Children's Advocacy Center here in Chattanooga. (A group that provides services for victims of child abuse that Brent helped start here.) And we were in for a surprise! Vince came with Emmy Lou Harris and Rodney Crowell! Just the three of them...sitting on stage with their guitars. While it was not the polished, smooth performance given last year when Vince performed with his band, it was amazing to see such successful lead performers play and sing back-up for each other...and just have an almost impromptu jam session right in front of you. Super cool and for a good cause.
Brent joked before we left the house that we had a much better dinner before heading out than we had last year...steak, black beans with garlic, broiled tomatoes with Parmesan, and an avocado salad...since I was still on pureed slop due to being only days post a melanoma induced tonsillectomy at that time. When I mentioned this, Kik responded that she hated that so many of my memories were marred by unfortunate dealings with melanoma. I know she is the sweetest, advocate for me and meant only that she hated what I had been through...but it got me thinking. That is really not how I look at the past 8 years of my life. Brent and I had a wonderful night last year and experienced music that has colored this past year beautifully. He was dead set on going this year because of that. I mean it when I say that Ruthie and I had SOOOOOO much fun on our Tampa runs. I had such an incredible day, watching Brent snap pics of Rosie and her friends before prom...which was only days before I was scheduled to have my head zapped and lung removed. I do not have amnesia. I remember every bit of post-op pain from every procedure. I remember the fear and anxiety. I remember the sadness and worry that my condition created in those I love. Yet, while there has been plenty of that in the past 8 in no way diminishes or dims the fun I've had, the laughs (and tears) I've shared, the joy I've felt in love, the pride I've felt in my children, and the success I feel after every day. If I could make melanoma evaporate from my life and the world....I would do it in a heartbeat. But, despite all its horrors, it will NOT mar everything...I can't let it....otherwise....what would be the point? I know what is important. Small pains, lumpy legs, white spots, leaking gutters, daily aggravations, and melanoma?????? A pain in the ass? YES! Really important in the overall scheme of things? Not remotely. - c
Brent joked before we left the house that we had a much better dinner before heading out than we had last year...steak, black beans with garlic, broiled tomatoes with Parmesan, and an avocado salad...since I was still on pureed slop due to being only days post a melanoma induced tonsillectomy at that time. When I mentioned this, Kik responded that she hated that so many of my memories were marred by unfortunate dealings with melanoma. I know she is the sweetest, advocate for me and meant only that she hated what I had been through...but it got me thinking. That is really not how I look at the past 8 years of my life. Brent and I had a wonderful night last year and experienced music that has colored this past year beautifully. He was dead set on going this year because of that. I mean it when I say that Ruthie and I had SOOOOOO much fun on our Tampa runs. I had such an incredible day, watching Brent snap pics of Rosie and her friends before prom...which was only days before I was scheduled to have my head zapped and lung removed. I do not have amnesia. I remember every bit of post-op pain from every procedure. I remember the fear and anxiety. I remember the sadness and worry that my condition created in those I love. Yet, while there has been plenty of that in the past 8 in no way diminishes or dims the fun I've had, the laughs (and tears) I've shared, the joy I've felt in love, the pride I've felt in my children, and the success I feel after every day. If I could make melanoma evaporate from my life and the world....I would do it in a heartbeat. But, despite all its horrors, it will NOT mar everything...I can't let it....otherwise....what would be the point? I know what is important. Small pains, lumpy legs, white spots, leaking gutters, daily aggravations, and melanoma?????? A pain in the ass? YES! Really important in the overall scheme of things? Not remotely. - c
Monday, November 7, 2011
Hoakey but informative ad for anti-PD1 by Curetech
Not the particular anti-PD1 "brand" that I am on...but shows the idea behind it all. Gotta love the name...CUREtech!!! Whatever!
Also...there is a power point from the Netherlands that covers: TIL, MEK, BRAF, and IPI if you are interested. Hoping you can just click here to view, but you may have to copy and paste to your browser.
May the graph be with you!!! -c
Also...there is a power point from the Netherlands that covers: TIL, MEK, BRAF, and IPI if you are interested. Hoping you can just click here to view, but you may have to copy and paste to your browser.
May the graph be with you!!! -c
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Anti-PD1 and crazy skin thing 9 zillion and 1....
Ever since my last infusion of anti-PD1 in September my skin has been flared up and irritable. The granulomas on my thighs have remained red, hard, inflamed and itchy. Back and arms very itchy. Bilateral inguinal nodes have remained constant (they used to come and go) with the one on the right measuring about 2cm and the largest on the left measuring about 1.5cm, followed with another of about 0.5cm, and a tiny one finishing out the trio. Vitiligo continues to increase. Just before our trip to California (10/4 or 5), during a very itchy flare on my back, I noticed a small circular patch of dry skin just below the scar from my initial lesion. I completely forgot about it during our vacation. But, when we returned (10/15), I was very surprised to feel a lump there. The documentation follows:
10/15 - 8.1 X 5.5mm smooth, flesh colored, circular, domed lesion in the exact same location as the dry patch below my original excision scar.
10/17 - size unchanged, texture the same, color now = dark pink.
10/20 - lesion remains same color, size now 7 X 5.5mm.
10/21 - lesion now 5 X 5.5mm with a black scab covering 15% of the top edge.
10/22 - more of a scab has developed, size = 5X4mm.
10/23 - 5 X 3.5mm, with surface now dull and a greater area is covered with a scab.
10/25 - 5 X 2.5mm, lesion now mostly flat scab
10/26 - scab missing, flat pink macule is all that remains.
Today - Brent can find nothing more than a flat, ovoid, pink area.
So...what was all that business???? Brent was very worried. At first he wanted me straight to derm to have it removed and analyzed. Then, worried about being kicked off my trial, we decided to watch and wait. Was it one of the lesions that Weber, Ruthie, Brent and the NP already observed...some inflammatory nodule often occurring before more vitiligo? Was it a met...which I think is what Brent feels it was? Melanoma mets can be black, or bluish, or pink, or red. I don't know. It was truly weird and unlike the other lesions was very smooth, at least initially. The others have been almost like a pimple or a bug bite for the first couple of days, rapidly turning brown and rough...but never with a black scab. Brent worries for this posting. But, perhaps, one day, such documentation will make a difference. Anti-PD1 is new...and nobody is talking. Given how challenging the last infusion was, I can't say that I'm looking forward to my next trip to Tampa on Dec. 8th for infusion on the 9th...given, of course, that scans are clear on Dec 2. Then again...maybe it's still fighting off cooties and is the only reason I'm still here! - c
10/15 - 8.1 X 5.5mm smooth, flesh colored, circular, domed lesion in the exact same location as the dry patch below my original excision scar.
10/17 - size unchanged, texture the same, color now = dark pink.
10/20 - lesion remains same color, size now 7 X 5.5mm.
10/21 - lesion now 5 X 5.5mm with a black scab covering 15% of the top edge.
10/22 - more of a scab has developed, size = 5X4mm.
10/23 - 5 X 3.5mm, with surface now dull and a greater area is covered with a scab.
10/25 - 5 X 2.5mm, lesion now mostly flat scab
10/26 - scab missing, flat pink macule is all that remains.
Today - Brent can find nothing more than a flat, ovoid, pink area.
So...what was all that business???? Brent was very worried. At first he wanted me straight to derm to have it removed and analyzed. Then, worried about being kicked off my trial, we decided to watch and wait. Was it one of the lesions that Weber, Ruthie, Brent and the NP already observed...some inflammatory nodule often occurring before more vitiligo? Was it a met...which I think is what Brent feels it was? Melanoma mets can be black, or bluish, or pink, or red. I don't know. It was truly weird and unlike the other lesions was very smooth, at least initially. The others have been almost like a pimple or a bug bite for the first couple of days, rapidly turning brown and rough...but never with a black scab. Brent worries for this posting. But, perhaps, one day, such documentation will make a difference. Anti-PD1 is new...and nobody is talking. Given how challenging the last infusion was, I can't say that I'm looking forward to my next trip to Tampa on Dec. 8th for infusion on the 9th...given, of course, that scans are clear on Dec 2. Then again...maybe it's still fighting off cooties and is the only reason I'm still here! - c
Great week and crazy skin thing #1...
So...last weekend was great. Brent and I went to a local nursery and got some rhodies for the shady area in the back yard. He dug holes and I planted them on Sunday. Noticed that my nose was sore when wiping off dirt or Z slobber...but didn't think too much about it. Was much worse by Sunday evening, and by Monday morning, could have done a great impersonation of Brent had me start oral clindamycin. Worked all day Monday, but driving home was a challenge with a throbbing headache from my nose, to between my eyes (You know how it feels if you get hit on the bridge of your nose when you're wearing glasses??? that!!!), to my teeth/jaw on the left. Ouch!!! Got so little sleep that night that I had to call in at work. Felt really bad about that!! Spent Tuesday soaking my face in warm salt water. A pretty special challenge, by the way! Brent kept appearing to peer at my face and threaten to take me to the ER for IV antibiotics. Anyhow, by the end of Tuesday, I could finally see around my nose and the pain was no longer oral antibiotics finally kicked in!!! Oh well...I see about 2 kids with MRSA every other Brent went through a bout himself a while we're definitely blaming him with the cooties! The company I keep! I need to reevaluate that!!
Back to work on Wed. Feeling much better now. Only the tiniest bit tender if I smash things around.
Had a great weekend. Went down to Atlanta on Wednesday evening. Brent attended the GA chapter AAP meeting and I read and worked on recipes and got to visit with and exercise with Rose. Did INSANITY with her and her friend on Thurs. (You two girls are just the coolest!!) Ran the pi mile with her on campus on Friday. We got to have dinner with her each night and on Sat we all went to De Kalb Farmer's Market for lunch and groceries. It was beautiful weather. Fall has made its way to north Georgia. Lovely.
Some of you may know...but Brent is always on the look out, to provide me with a "cooking challenge". So....when perusing the fish counter at DeKalb....he was excited to see a fish unknown to him. Escolar...a buttery fish from Hawaii. It looked much like sword fish and seemed very fresh. Touted to be "white tuna". Well....we get home. Start packaging things up...deciding what to cook when, what to freeze. I google "escolar". Interesting! It is indeed pronounced by those who have eaten it to be incredibly buttery and delicious, thanks to the wax esters that the fish stores in its flesh because it can't metabolize them. However, within 24 to 48 hours, most people, especially those who have eaten greater than 6 ounces, have spontaneous, uncontrollable, greasy, orange, diarrhea, cramping and are generally unhappy. (The FDA-like organizations of Japan and Hong Kong have banned its sale. Our own FDA recommended that at one point, then just decided to have no comment.) Brent thinks he can probably tolerate it with his tummy of iron, but can't get up the nerve. He thinks that I, on the other hand, will not be a happy camper, since a handful of Triscuits can throw me a curve!! Anybody hungry? We've got some escolar!
Had a delicious dinner of roast lamb with rosemary and garlic, roasted rainbow carrots, and a veggie tray bake of miniature eggplants, onion, red bell pepper, and kalamata olives. Now...that's good eats!! - c
Back to work on Wed. Feeling much better now. Only the tiniest bit tender if I smash things around.
Had a great weekend. Went down to Atlanta on Wednesday evening. Brent attended the GA chapter AAP meeting and I read and worked on recipes and got to visit with and exercise with Rose. Did INSANITY with her and her friend on Thurs. (You two girls are just the coolest!!) Ran the pi mile with her on campus on Friday. We got to have dinner with her each night and on Sat we all went to De Kalb Farmer's Market for lunch and groceries. It was beautiful weather. Fall has made its way to north Georgia. Lovely.
Some of you may know...but Brent is always on the look out, to provide me with a "cooking challenge". So....when perusing the fish counter at DeKalb....he was excited to see a fish unknown to him. Escolar...a buttery fish from Hawaii. It looked much like sword fish and seemed very fresh. Touted to be "white tuna". Well....we get home. Start packaging things up...deciding what to cook when, what to freeze. I google "escolar". Interesting! It is indeed pronounced by those who have eaten it to be incredibly buttery and delicious, thanks to the wax esters that the fish stores in its flesh because it can't metabolize them. However, within 24 to 48 hours, most people, especially those who have eaten greater than 6 ounces, have spontaneous, uncontrollable, greasy, orange, diarrhea, cramping and are generally unhappy. (The FDA-like organizations of Japan and Hong Kong have banned its sale. Our own FDA recommended that at one point, then just decided to have no comment.) Brent thinks he can probably tolerate it with his tummy of iron, but can't get up the nerve. He thinks that I, on the other hand, will not be a happy camper, since a handful of Triscuits can throw me a curve!! Anybody hungry? We've got some escolar!
Had a delicious dinner of roast lamb with rosemary and garlic, roasted rainbow carrots, and a veggie tray bake of miniature eggplants, onion, red bell pepper, and kalamata olives. Now...that's good eats!! - c
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Thank you, Bent!
And so...that's our trip. It doesn't begin to cover what we learned about the Missions, our tasting at Buena Vista Winery (the oldest in Sonoma), the folks we met from Atlanta, the fun I had cooking in our various little kitchens, our picnics amid the mountains and the vineyards, meeting Mr. Spann - the owner of Spann Wineries (Such an interesting guy...that may be a story that will still have to be told!), and so much more. But, back we came...picking up Roo in Atlanta on Sat as we came in, so that she could have part of her fall break with us. Spent Sunday catching up and had a great day running errands and visiting with her here and in Atlanta on Monday. Then, it was back to the world of work...and leaking gutters...and
But everyday, I have the best guy, a wonderful friend, the love of my life to share it with.
I love you, Bent. - c
But everyday, I have the best guy, a wonderful friend, the love of my life to share it with.
I love you, Bent. - c
B's snake!!!

Roses and a farmer's market....
Biking through beautiful Sonoma...
Beautiful views and vineyards loaded with grapes. Apparently, for some this is not a good thing. We were told that Sonoma had a long, cool, foggy summer. This was good. Then a week ago...they had a good deal of rain. And while we were there, they were experiencing temps in the 80's and bright sunshine. How could this be bad? Well, after the cool summer...which grapes and vintners like...the grapes still needed the fall sunshine to fully ripen and their skins to thin. While waiting for this to happen the rain and heat came, causing many of the grapes still on the vines to mold. Moldy grapes cannot be harvested and therefore whole lots are lost. Here's hoping that things went well for most!!! c
Bungalow 313 in Sonoma...
In the afternoon (Wed, 10/12) we finished up our Napa tour and headed a bit west to our place in Sonoma. It was really cute and nice with a great kitchen and our own private sitting area outside. We settled in and took a walk around the Sonoma town square. There, we stopped by the Roche winery tasting room. About ten years ago, when we took the kids with us to San Francisco, Brent found a winery in Sonoma that offered horse rides through their vineyards. That was just the thing for us since Rose and Fred were the proud owners and riders of our mulish horse, Cupid, at the time...and it was lovely. Brent's horse wanted to stop and eat grapes constantly, but we expect things like that out of Brent's steeds. We had a great time. Afterwards, Brent and I tasted their wines and liked them so much that we joined their club and have been getting a couple of bottles delivered every 3 months ever since. Anyhow, since then, we get the wines along with their news letters. They no longer ride horses in the vineyards. Maybe the horses, with less attentive riders, ate too many grapes. I knew they had opened the tasting room on the square, and had read about events they had for members, that given our life in TN, I never anticipated being able to attend. But, there we were!!! So, as members, we stopped by each evening around 5, for our "free" glass of wine in their courtyard! Cool!
After a restful night in a comfy bed (have to say the bed in Trinidad had been a rather wiry, uncomfortable affair!!!) I look out the window onto the next rooftop...and there is Mr. Fox. I tell Brent. Mr. City Boy says, "No. That's a cat!" I reply, "Well, it's a Jewish one then..." as I head down the stairs to make coffee!!! Needless to say....a few zillion pictures later....he's a fox!!! - c
After a restful night in a comfy bed (have to say the bed in Trinidad had been a rather wiry, uncomfortable affair!!!) I look out the window onto the next rooftop...and there is Mr. Fox. I tell Brent. Mr. City Boy says, "No. That's a cat!" I reply, "Well, it's a Jewish one then..." as I head down the stairs to make coffee!!! Needless to say....a few zillion pictures later....he's a fox!!! - c
Leaving the coast.....
On Tuesday (10/11) we left our little house with the sound of the sea lions honking in the distance. (When we first got there, I told Brent, "Listen!! I hear sea lions!" First he told me that it was dogs barking and later tried to get me to believe [as he did!!!!] that it was a recording being played by the rental place next door!!! It was sea lions! That man is nutty!!!) We headed back a little south, then east, on yet another winding road over the Shasta Mountains. They reminded me of some of the mountains we drove through in Colorado. We made our way to the Trinity River and down to the Sacramento Valley below. Once down, driving south was easy on the interstate, so we just drove on...having lunch in Redding and spending the night in Napa. Wednesday morning we took a run through Napa and then began a drive north...exploring the little towns as we came to them. We walked around in Calistoga and stopped for lunch at Mustard's Grill in Yountville. Really delicious!!! - c
Agate Beach....
Patrick's Point Park....just across the street!!!
Our only misty, moisty, day...
...which is actually the most common sort of day among the redwoods. Had to hold a big red umbrella so that my personal photog could snap pics of the elk. Was hoping that it would not alarm them....and it didn't seem to! We saw at least four different wild herds, though they are rather tame and unfazed by folks like us. - c
More hiking....
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