I've added a new segment to the blog ~ totally and unabashedly lifted from Stephen Colbert!!! Sign of the times, in so many ways. I don't think he'd mind?
Having a birthday party in this crazy time, like so many other things, doesn't have the same flare it once did. But, we colluded with the Jamester to give Roo a party with some festivity! There was food picked up from Ms Betty's (The Acropolis - a fav eatery of her childhood), served carefully on separate tables, outdoors, more than six feet apart. And there were outfits! Of a variety of styles! Made with some concern as the sewist couldn't do any fittings or touch her bitty body!!!
First up - a fun little summer top made from the
The Maria Apron Pattern, from Maven Patterns shortened per my own imagination! She happens to be wearing it with a little knit skirt I made her a bit ago.
It's made of a really pretty eyelet with large embroidered flowers that don't show up very well in photos from Cali Fabrics. I've gotten several lovely pieces from them at very good prices. The only down fall of their stock is that it can be limited in yardage. I don't know if this is usual for them or an effect of the current pandemic. I underlined the front with a purple remnant and used bias binding to finish the edges. I think it turned out pretty cute!!! |
Speaking of celebrations and Cali Fabric - a few weeks prior, Jamie graduated with his masters degree!! So proud of him! Once again, celebrations were the best we could do under the pandemic circumstances with an outdoor dinner, our place this time, and a breezy linen shirt. Fabric also from Cali and my usual go-to for men's shirts
I thought it turned out quite pretty. Was pleased the fit was good, given the same restrictions applied! |
Then, to mix things up, some quarantine fun lounge wear! In a crazy cheetah (?) print in fabric gifted from Kay!!
Roo was a sport about it! HA!! The little crop top, made using the ever dependable free Colette, Sorbetto, used every scrap I had left (had to piece the back) after making up another pair of the Purl Soho, city gym shorts! Just the sort of thing you need to chi'lax in during quarantine, no? |
Or for dancing and gymnastic moves! |
Then, for work - or play....
The top was super fun to imagine and put together from the McCall's 6924 dress pattern! It calls for a lining, but I finished the seams with bias binding. So pleased with the fit!!! I thought it was super cute! |
Still, we did manage to let them eat cake!!! They put together the masterpiece you see the night before. We added a slice of ooey gooey chocolate cake from Ms Betty of Roo's childhood and one of baklava cheesecake! Thanks for helping make it happen, Jamie!
Happy birthday, girlie! So proud of how you and the Jamester are managing all of this!! Love you both so much! - mommy
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