Sew.....I needed some buttons for two shirts I have in the works. B was sweet enough to accompany me to our ONLY fabric shopping option in our town....JoAnn's. To my dismay, their limited button supply was cut by half as they appeared to be in process of turning that area into a different set of supplies altogether. I found some buttons that I thought would do and was heading toward the checkout...when I suddenly let out a shriek and turned on my heel, to head in the opposite direction! B was not as surprised or panic stricken as you might imagine! Sadly, the man is used to such events. He
was a bit confused. But, the light of recognition dawned! I had spied two baskets of
"clearance buttons"!!! The
"wall" that once was a button display was now relegated to baskets labeled
"75 cents per card"!!!! Now....they were in an unholy mess, but my B gamely helped me search through them until we were satisfied that we had found the best of the lot. A mere couple of hours!!! What better way to spend your time, right????? So...with all these random buttons in my possession, what's a girl to do????????
Inspo sent by Ruthie..after seeing ALLLLLLL the buttons!!! |
 | works with your latest skirt!! Win, win, win!!! |
Sew and shop and live - chaotically!!! - love, c
Buttons!!! I buy them by the bag full when I can!! Or beg them from friends getting rid of stuff!!