Saturday, September 14, 2024

RIP my dear Dr. Jeff Weber

I have not been able to find the words to describe the best physician who has ever provided me with care, the brilliant mind that I had the privilege to observe, the deep kindness rooted in his every response, his optimistic yet forever realistic approach, his busy body love of life, his enthusiasm for good food, his demand for precision, his incredible humor, his ability to do a complete physical and history (no dry labbing here!!!) within minutes, his humor, his smile, and yes - my friend - Jeff Weber.

So, it is probably best to let those who knew him well - do so here...

Jeff Weber's career was not only filled with patient advocacy, leadership and achievement but punctuated by mentorship. I urge all fellows and junior faculty to find someone like Jeff – great friend, amazing mentor, brother, leader.  Jeff was on a trial call this Thursday at 7 am running through patients, and plans.  He worked on Friday. Always leading by being the example.  Always communicated in the future tense.  Precise to a point, expert.  Dry wit.  When I was a resident on his service, you could wear scrubs but had to show up to rounds in a shirt and tie.  Respect.  As his fellow I raced to Norris to round on the IL2 patients before his 545 phone call. Tactical.  As his apprentice he insisted on 6 am education on Immunology, trials, life.  So grateful for his guidance, mentorship, friendship. Irreplaceable. May his memory be a blessing. I’m sure he’d ask us not to make such a fuss.

BMJ Editorial - Jeffrey SWeber, MD, PhD (1952–2024): in memoriam to discovery, friendship and family

Memoriam from AIM at Melanoma

Without having met Dr. Weber in 2010, I know I would not be here today.  Further, without having gotten to know Jeff over those years, to sharing a meal with him and conversation in his home with his beloved Linda in 2020, I would have missed out on personally being touched by a human comet. 

Thanks for all you did for me and so many others, Dr. Weber.  Thanks, for being my friend, Jeff.

May Linda and your daughters forever feel the warmth of your love, and memories enjoy the mischievous twinkle in your eyes with the slightly crooked smile that meant adventure was brewing.

Some losses are hard, but life is still blessed by the knowing. - les

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