Saturday, June 4, 2022

Healing nature...

When feeling broken from all the horror that man can inflict - with cruelties large and small  - what a blessing the healing of nature can be.  You know it's June and Fred-o time when the flame azaleas blossom.

While the delicate blush of spring has gone - her fresh exuberance remains...

My hostas have been incredible....

Until they, along with EVERY bud from EVERY sort of hydrangea and day lily, along with all the foliage from every strawberry and wild geranium, were decidedly nipped!!!!

Hmmm....  I think I've discovered the culprit!

But, wait!!!! 

She is not alone!

Spied next day...  "I'm being good and staying put, just like you said, Mom!!!"  NOT!!!

The demesne is only mine to look after for the moment.  It would be the height of hubris to think she belongs only to me.

I watch the robins and thrashers toss leaves like an old lady looking through her purse. Chipmunks squeak their alarms while squirrels fuss and chase each other among the trees. Bluebirds, chickadees, titmice, wrens and cardinals flit; pileated woodpeckers and towhees call. The occasional hawk swoops down.  And I?  I wish you a moment to breathe in the beauty. May it heal the pain in your soul. ~ les


  1. You are Grandmother Nature

    1. Bahaha! I got ALL the babies, don't I??? Love it!
