I casually mentioned I'd like to make a quilt. I made it clear I didn't know HOW to make a quilt! That I really had no idea how to proceed with such a thing. No matter. Within minutes B was busy!!! He did a little research, ordered a pattern, and was off to the races!
Cutting out side supports. |
Getting all those rails and gears set. |
Sanding it carefully! |
And there she is!!!! Isn't she pretty? Three rails with gears, locks and a support beam!!! |
I researched various 'leaders' on both hand quilting frames and long arm machines. I used canvas duck to create these. B helped me mark their centers and other points I needed to help line up the quilt layers properly. He used a staple gun to attach them to the rails. No more excuses. I had to quilt something!
I wasn't ready to risk all the work I've put into my sashiko squares in my first attempt! So... |
...as mentioned in my prior post, I put this 60X60 throw together using the Carolina Chain Quilt pattern from bits and pieces I'd been collecting for some time to serve as my quilting rattie! |
Trying to make sure I test all aspects, I decided to go ahead and use my Hera Marker to make 'dents' for my stitching lines in the border as a test for duration of said dents through the quilting process. My super cool new cutting mat was the perfect surface! |
As B built it, I tried to figure out how to use it!!! With so many folks using regular sewing machines, long arm quilting machines and hand quilters using hoop type frames or none at all to make their quilts, it was a bit of a challenge to find information on these Amish style quilting frames. While the internet can be used for ill, it also connects folks and allows us to share information of all kinds. I owe a great deal of thanks to Shawnae Somsen for an excellent video she created after finding it difficult to load her own - Loading an Amish Quilting Frame. I loaded mine much as she did. AND ~ I think it'll work! |
And because B is super awesome, he made a work table to go alongside - replete with shelves and inset magnetized work bowls!!!
I am pleased to embrace this new adventure. I am incredibly fortunate and privileged to have the means, space, and access to such extravagant entertainment - the opportunity to develop new hobbies. I am more than blessed to have a partner who will indulge my whims and play my silly games. Thanks, B. I love you.
May you all find peace and comfort in things large and small during this crazy time. ~ love, les
just feeling quilty
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