The same ladies who brought us the Morris blazer, designed this cute little dress (with or without the bum ruffle). It is awesome!!! I picked my same size 8 that I used in the blazer per my measurements. Perfect! You do have to remember to use 1/2 inch (rather than the more typical 5/8ths) seam allowance. It goes together easy as pie. Yes, you really do cut out the two front pieces, then whack a bit more off one of the pieces to allow for the button band. She did a nifty little trick on either side of the collar that didn't really work for me....though others have been happy with it. After some un-picking, I just sewed the last step of my inner collar the old fashioned way. There is a sew-along that you can use and I found helpful. It is divided into steps, but they are like blog posts with photos, so you may work through them as quickly or slowly as you like. Here is a link to the first one: Alder sew-along: Day 1 - fabric and supplies
Now for the fabulous fabric!! Remember when I mentioned shopping for fabric at Maiwa in Vancouver at
the Granville Market? Here's the post: Travel Chaotically! - Sky Scrapers
They do some pretty cool stuff! Here's a link to their site: Maiwa.com As I mentioned in the post, the
shop is more geared to printing and dyeing fabric than being a fabric
shop per se. But, a small selection of fabrics were already complete. Here's what I got:
The blue piece was dyed using actual indigo and then (as best as I can tell)
block printed with the dots...which causes the bit of variation in
size, shape, line-up that you can see (as well as color within the
piece) and of which I am quite fond! |
I just LOVE this dress!!! It is probably more ME than anything I have made!!! As ever, chaotically precise....I always fall for classic designs....with a twist! |
I made no alterations. I cut the size 8 in all pieces, except I cut the hem using the longest length printed. I may have broken some dastardly rule by doing this and I'm sure with some shapes and patterns it would be better to add length at the line noted "withIN" the pattern pieces, but with this shape and knowing that the bum ruffle was hitting where I wanted it...I figured it would work out....and I think it did!!! |
Yes, I am ridiculously proud of that collar and button band!!! |
You do a technique similar to the Morris Blazer collar application when you add the bum ruffle! But it works out really well. |
I flat felled the side seams and finished the ruffle on my serger. NO UGLY INSIDES!!! |
Cause BLUE....is a thing!!! |
Seriously!!! |
Sew and sing and twirl....chaotically!!!
I'm Blue Da Ba Dee Daba da c
Love it! I have the Scout T-Shirt pattern to cut out and sew up. Hope it turns out as nice as this!