Recently a question posed on a melanoma board was: If one has adverse side effects with immunotherapy, does that mean your t cells are absolutely getting rid of your melanoma? Well, the jury remains a bit out on quote Weber: "Toxicity does not equal response, but there appears to be a weak association."
To read the links and discussion regarding that topic, here's a link to the thread:
However, when it comes to adverse events with dendritic cell seems they are definitely related to better clinical least in this study:
Immune-related Adverse
Events of Dendritic Cell Vaccination Correlate With Immunologic and Clinical
Outcome in Stage III and IV Melanoma Patients. Boudewijns, Westdorp, Koornstra, et al. J Immunother. 2016 May 25.
The purpose of this study was to determine the toxicity profile of dendritic
cell (DC) vaccination in stage III and IV melanoma patients, and to evaluate
whether there is a correlation between side effects and immunologic and
clinical outcome. This is a retrospective analysis of 82 stage III and 137
stage IV melanoma patients, vaccinated with monocyte-derived or naturally
circulating autologous DCs loaded with tumor-associated antigens gp100 and
tyrosinase. Median follow-up time was 54.3 months in stage III patients and
12.9 months in stage IV patients. Treatment-related adverse events occurred in
84% of patients; grade 3 toxicity was present in 3% of patients. Most common
adverse events were flu-like symptoms (67%) and injection site reactions (50%),
and both correlated with the presence of tetramer-positive CD8 T cells. In
stage III melanoma patients experiencing flu-like symptoms, median overall
survival (OS) was not reached versus 32.3 months in patients without flu-like
symptoms; median OS in patients with an injection site reaction was not reached
versus 53.7 months in patients without an injection site reaction. In stage IV
melanoma patients (primary uveal and mucosal melanomas excluded), median OS in
patients with or without flu-like symptoms was 13.1 versus 8.9 months,
respectively; median OS in patients with an injection site reaction was 15.7
months versus 9.8 months in patients without an injection site reaction. In
conclusion, DC vaccination is safe and tolerable and the occurrence of the
immune-related side effects, such as flu-like symptoms and injection site
reactions, correlates with immunologic and clinical outcome.'s to the ratties!!! May you all feel like you have the flu and your injection site feel as though you have been stung by a thousand hornets!! Right???? - c
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