Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day!!!! From another kind of mother!

Being a mother...hmmm....  Not sure of all the things that motherhood means, or should mean, or most often does....  Not sure how good this movie will be.  But, it seems to hit some serious high notes:

Trailer for Ricki and The Flash with Meryl Streep

This certainly sums up my view on motherhood...  "It really doesn't matter if the kids love you or not.  It's not their job to love you.  It's YOUR job to love THEM!"

As for my kids...they would probably tell you this is similar to the typical words of wisdom they have been given from THEIR mother...  "Lots of things are going to change in your life.  One day you're going to wake up and find a grey hair....  And I don't mean on your head!!!"

Sorry punkins!  Lots of mistakes have been made.  You have had to endure all kinds of crazy.  But... I KNOW, YOU KNOW.....I love you. - mommy

1 comment:

  1. As long as my boys never doubt that I love them with every fiber of my being, I will feel successful as a mother! Shane sent me a little thing he saw on the Internet that he said reminded him of me. "If you have ever done me wrong, just know my mom knows ~ and she doesn't like you." Haha! :) And... I LOVE Meryl Streep!
