Feeling rather random today. Lots to think about....
Loyalty...hmmm? Do YOU have it? It is one of the qualities I cherish most. It is also incredibly rare!!! But, to all my loyal peeps....EVER so much love and appreciation!!!!
Extract of centipede Scolopendra subspinipes mutilans induce cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in A375 human melanoma cells. Ma, Liu, Qi, et al. Oncol Lett, 2014, July [e pub]
Yep!!! One more one, in the category of EVERYTHING kills melanoma! Some folks in China used extracts from this centipede on melanoma cells in a dish and sure enough, it inhibited cell proliferation, caused a break in the normal cell cycle, and the cells died!!! Just so you know!
Anonymous???? For those of you with distinctive writing styles on the various melanoma boards who suddenly decide to post as anonymous... Why??? And, secondly, it is easy to see who you are. All anybody has to do is look at the bulletin board posts you've made and they all pop up...even the "anonymous" ones. Just say'n!!!
MK-3475 and FDA approval. Scuttlebutt and various somewhat more reliable sources, continue to indicate that Merck's anti-PD1 drug, Pembrolizumab, will gain FDA approval sometime this year. However, it looks as though, approval will come with the stipulation that the patient has to have failed ipi FIRST! Happened to have a meeting at work related to a Merck vaccine, replete with company reps. One was very bright and knowledgeable, so after the meeting business was finished up, and commenting that I realized my topic was not really his bailiwick, I asked, "What have you heard about FDA approval of MK-3475?" He seemed a bit startled that I was asking about it, but to MY surprise, he actually knew a pretty good bit about the drug, its trials, and the BMS anti-PD1 product, Nivolumab, as well. Sadly, there was no surprise in that he, too, was under the impression that approval would come this year, with the stipulation it would be indicated for ipi refractory patients only. He pointed out that once approved, docs could prescribe it "off label" for patients who had NOT yet failed ipi. I agreed that that was certainly true, however, it would be unlikely for insurance companies to pay for it in that circumstance. An expected problem that he acknowledged. Anyhow, he was a nice guy. Clearly not his call by any means. And proof...once again...I will ask anybody anything! Link below just to show that so much of the world doesn't give two hoots about healing patients in any other regard than how it affects their stock portfolio!!! What'cha gonna do?
Focus on the financial contest...rather than healing patients?
Delicious lamb chops!!!! Season chops with salt and pepper. Place in hot pan with a bit of olive oil. Turn repeatedly until getting nice and browned on both sides. Toss in several garlic cloves still in their nature made wrappers. Toss in a couple of sprigs of thyme and rosemary. Continue turning occasionally. When to your desired level of doneness....drizzle with 2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar and 1 tablespoon honey. Girl!!! It's YUM! (Partially stolen from Jamie Oliver!)
Need a side with those chops? Cover couscous with boiling water, lid on, and let sit. Toss 3/4's bag of arugula, 1 chili, 2-3 spring onions, mint leaves and cilantro with the juice of one lime and a good drizzle of olive oil in the food processor and blitz for just a minute. Once the couscous is ready, toss it with the chopped veggies. It is so good! (Also Jamie Oliver inspired!)
Guess that's about as random as it gets. Much love - c
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