After our last trip to Tampa and considering its hopeful implications....B said he hoped our lives would return to something a little more normal. Well, of late...we have been in the normal repair business of life, especially after putting such things
behind the back burner for the past couple of years. I've already alluded to a new roof and septic tank repairs/draining...not that we personally did those things! We finally had gutter guards installed so we no longer need hire the very strange folks who did that for us several years in a row, but whose work became so lackadaisical with ever increasing demolition of the surroundings that paying for the installation of the guards became cheaper!!! Cracks in the wooden floor after a cold winter have been filled. Baseboards and walls cracked by leaks BEFORE the roof repair have been mended and repainted...along with other baseboards and window sills. Tubs recaulked. Sink and tub drains replaced. A leak in the plumbing upstairs was repaired with subsequent repair to the ceiling below it!!! More painting. We tiled the area around and above our shower....yes, grouting became quite the adventure. A new door and fixtures were installed in the shower....twice!!! Areas under the dryer and washer have been cleaned with new hoses installed to the washer. {Sadly, just after the process, said washer is deceased with a new one to be delivered on Tuesday!!!} B has become quite the plumber!!! He ran a new line out to the back so that we can have a hose and faucet in a more convenient location. All the unfinished pine furniture has been oiled. The garage and 'playroom' have been cleaned with loads of flotsam carted off to Good Will and elsewhere. New work areas for my sewing and B's photography have been created. Curtains laundered. Clothes mended. Cars have been serviced. Drawers and cabinets cleaned. Roses and butterfly bushes pruned.!!! Spring seems to be on the way! In fact, Mr. Sneaky Snake appeared in my living room yesterday, slithering around on the welcome mat!!! At first worried that he was a cooperhead...he turned out to be a much mistaken ringneck who was tossed out the front door by a very brave Bentie!!! I fear many plants like my Nandinas, rosemary, lavender and other rather hardy herbs have given up after the sub zero temperatures we had this past winter!! So, a revamping of the herb bed and some other areas may soon be in order!!!
To a life a bit more ordinary???! HA! Silly, Bentie! YOU LIVE WITH ME!!!!- c
Skirts made and shirt repaired in "new" sewing area! |
A beautiful rose and forsythia with a new purple blouse, al la recent sewing extravaganza! |
Tile in process with art as inspiration! |
Finished product! |
Table that B built. Now this is how you watch Spring arrive!! To a LIFE 'LES' ORDINARY! |
I was beginning to feel tired just from reading about all that y'all have been working on, but then came the snake! That certainly woke me up! Y'all's place is scary sometimes... But well maintained! ;)
ReplyDeleteYou are too funny!! Made us laugh out loud! But...we weren't laughing with the snake. B was quite serious and I was shrieking! Our world is a bit too reptilian at times!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe shower tile work looks good. That's a nice upgrade, since sheet rock inevitably degrades over time with a shower's continual moisture. Y'all have certainly been busy!