...."Anonymous"....seeking...."Ipi success stories"....on MPIP!!! Well, it looks like you found some!!! For those of you out there seeking...ipi still has a good deal to offer melanoma patients, despite the hub bub around anti-PD1, PDL1, etc., etc. Ipi is out there and available...today! The rest are still in trials and being used as marketing tools (more often than not....check out the Bio Fierce quotes from my November 9, 2013 post)....sadly. Sure, anti-PD1 is showing somewhat better results with somewhat less side effects. But...waiting on that to get to market is not worth mets in your lungs, brain, who knows where next. Ipi has helped more people than anything else in melanoma world so far. And don't forget....many experts in the field....Weber included...feel that what will probably turn out to be the best treatment for melanoma is...as the man himself puts it...an ipi/anti-PD1 sandwich. So, if ipi doesn't do it for you now...you can always take anti-PD1...either the BMS or Merck product when they do come on the market....later. But...DON'T. DIE. WAITING!
More good news about ipi...especially when combined with radiation...coming soon.
Much love, S. - c
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