Information attained from a talk and slides given by Dr. Jeffery Weber in Canada on Feb. 21....
FUTURE PLANS: BMS 936588 (Formerly known as MDX 1106)
Phase II trial of simultaneous anti-PD1 and Ipi
Phase II trial of sequential reciprocal anti-PD1 and ipi. [I think this means that some people would get ipi first followed by anti-PD1, while others would get anti-PD1, followed by ipi.]
Phase III 2:1 randomized second line trial of anti-PD1 at 3mg/kg vs investigator's choice of chemo
Phase III randomized first line trial of anti-PD1 at 3mg/kg vs dacarbazine (ex-US) [I think that means outside the US.]
Phase III randomized first line trial of anti-PD1 at 3mg/kg vs ipi and vs the combo
Personal comments:
Dr. Weber has mentioned the ipi and anti-PD1 combo to me before. He has high hopes for its outcomes, but is worried about combined side effects.
Dr. Weber told me a good while back, when I asked about the "dream study" he would like to conduct, that he would like to complete a "sandwich study" (his term) of the combined or sequential effect of ipi and anti-PD1. Looks like most of these offerings work to answer that dream.
Remember, that in my study we have been given this very anti-PD1 product (BMS 936558) at 1, 3 and 10mg/kg with no evidence (so far) of increased effect with greater dose, though WITH slightly greater side effects at the higher dosing levels....keeping in mind that this is very preliminary. I am in the 1mg/kg cohort of a Phase 1 trial...whose purpose (as is true for all Phase 1 trials) is to determine optimum dosing.
Please forgive me if, when writing about the BMS anti-PD1 product....BMS 936558 (formerly known as MDX1106), I have to restrain myself from saying....OR "the artist formerly known as Prince"!!!
Good luck. Remember to check: for current availability and requirements for these trials. - c
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