While interested folks will be much better served by checking out national sites for cancer trials and the Moffitt web site....here is a partial listing of melanoma trials currently ongoing at Moffitt. I do not profess to know which are currently recruiting. If you are interested...CALL!!!!! EMAIL!!! 1-888-MOFFITT (1-888-663-3488) cutonc@moffitt.org
Phase 1 trial with multiple peptides and escalating doses of anti-PD1 (BMS-936558) for patients with Stage III/IV resected melanoma (my trial) and the sister arm that is for Stage III/IV unresectable melanoma.
Variations of the above trial...some with vaccines, some without, some specifically for patients who have failed ipi.
Pilot study (? phase 1) of Oncovir Poly IC:LC and peptides +/- CP870,893 at one of 5 dose levels for Stage III/IV resected.
Phase 1 study of MK 3475 (Merck's anti-PD1 product) for unresectable Stage III/IV with measurable disease. Reportedly in open recruitment.
Phase III, Resected, Randomized trial of ipi vs interferon...to include 1,500 patients. (Poor little ratties!!!!!!)
A randomized Phase 2 study of Yervoy (ipi) with Sylatron (peg interferon) for patients with unresectable Stage III/IV melanoma.
Ipi 3 mg/kg vs ipi 10 mg/kg for Stage III/IV unresectable.
Trial with a RAF kinase inhibitor for Braf + patients with measurable disease.
Biochem with combination of: BRAF inhibitor + cyclophosphamide + high dose IL2 + fludarabine
A trial that combines HSP 90 (heat shock protein 90...a chaperon protein that promotes stability in other proteins) and BRAF inhibitor for Stage III/IV unresectable patients. (Background: this is to see if the duration of response to BRAF inhibitors can be extended with this combo.)
Hope this helps. Errors may abound...but please, call! Check out any options that might be available to you! c
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