....but WITH shorts!!!....for the first time of a new season...you suddenly realize how much dog slobber has been placed on your pant leg for the past several months!
Just a small epiphany that came to me the other day. You know me, forever enthralled by the small, comical, minutia that is life. Had a hell of a day today. But, a big thanks to all the peeps that made it better. A special shout out to a new friend in Florida. When unsuspectingly checking HER blog for a small peek on how she's doing and what might be making her smile these days, found a note to me! Had to read it twice to be sure, but, Yep! There it was, a congrats on 15 months NED. Thanks, Jeanne. It meant more than you will ever know.
Then, looking about a bit more, I find that Carol Thomas, a pastor and melanoma patient herself, from NC who has her own blog, and works so hard to support melanoma patients and their families, has listed my blog, along with many others...and categorized us as - "those who dare to care". That was nice. I appreciate being included.
Blogs are weird, slightly narcissistic things, I suppose. Mine is my way of thinking through things, my catharsis. It is my best way of sending my thoughts and feelings out to those who care in an efficient and reflective way. It is the best way I can think of to write my story about the grand experiment that is anti-PD1 in a manner that might be useful to those who join/seek the experiment for themselves or for posterity to see what exactly happened to me under the influence of same. A place to post info about melanoma as best as I understand it. A place...for me to be me.
Thanks for listening. - c
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