So I guess I don't understand. All these folks who are stressed...or get stressed...or can't sleep cause they're stressed...or are feeling so bad because of all their stress....But then, you look at their lives...and...usually...they have money...and health...and families with the same. They are not living with hunger, war, or cancer, watching a spouse die from a terrible disease, have not lost are pretty much ok. In fact, many are very successful, like Jason Russell. His supposed goal in life was to inspire the power of the people to rise up against a terrible man. And guess what? He did it! But, then...that made him stressed....and tired...and dehydrated...and he had to run around, undressed, holding his private parts, vandalizing cars! All because he had achieved success. Dude! Next time you're tired and thirsty...drink some water and lay down for a while!
I still admire what he had to say. I think the power we all have within us, and even more so, the power we have when we work together to stop injustice, to fight disease, to end poverty, to prevent even one child from going hungry, to demand equality for all, to spread literacy instead of hate is...insurmountable....if only that is where we choose to put our focus...instead of on our "STRESS".
Do you really have to experience war, deprivation, or cancer to learn this people?? I don't think so! Come on! Ditch the stress! Embrace your strength! - c
Yeah, I saw that! Crazy... I have a hard time believing drugs weren't a part of that! Now he is really gonna be stressed ~ with all the backlash!