...no matter how small..." I always wanted to be like Pickles, the fire cat. I wanted to do great things. I've tried, though probably, not hard enough.
What did YOU do today???
Pick something...anything...that you feel strongly about....and see what YOU can do....to help.
Please take the time to check out the film below. Not that I am advocating this group in particular...there have been some questions raised about their funding and where their dollars are spent. They appear to spend about 80 cents on the donated dollar to the things you think you are sending your money for....which is not too bad...but not as good as some other foundations do. BUT....I promise...IT WILL MAKE YOU THINK!
When you're Stage V.....and we ALL get there eventually...will you think you did enough? I want to be able to say...."Yes, I did!" - c
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