So....after very cheering calls from my Perky Peptide Posse (didn't mean to worry my girls!!!!) and commiseration regarding water, car repairs, poor cell phone service, and mean girls...I'm feeling more like my perky self.
Did 20 minutes on the elliptical, gave the final paint job to a wall I've been repairing in the living room and the ceiling in a bathroom, did laundry, and ran errands with B.
Current anti-PD1 side effects: I have the usual red, hot, flaring granulomas in my thighs. My inguinal nodes, which never go away these days, are bigger. I've had the usual red papular lesions come up in the patches of vitiligo on my forearms...but they are already healing. My mouth started feeling and tasting weird on Friday after the infusion. My tongue felt raw on Wednesday and developed some rather impressive lesions on Thursday and is about the same today. My joints ache in sort of a round robin fashion....first this wrist, then that one, this knee, then this ankle... Hopefully they will all fade soon. Could be worse I suppose. Only interesting new event is the urticaria I developed on my cheek while getting the infusion has been reappearing in fits and starts on my leg. Hmmmm..... Did learn that they are premedicating the 10mg/kg group with some Benadryl and Zantac (among other things) so maybe I should consider Benadryl myself next time.
Pity party over. Now for a nice quiet evening of ironing and crochet!!! Guess I won't move to Australia after all. - c
I love you!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you aren't moving to Australia! I hear that a lot of people get melanoma over there! ;)
ReplyDeleteBut really, I hope you get to feeling better soon! Feeling crappy makes it harder to deal with all that other stuff ~ cell phones, cars, mean peeps and WATER! I love you!