The story of living in spite of melanoma, CLND (X 2!), metastasis, vaccines, anti-PD-1, lung removal, and stereotactic radiation. (With a little adenocarcinoma ex-goblet cell carcinoid thrown in!!!) The story of life with family and friends. {Posts under ~ Sew Chaotically, Travel Chaotically, and Chaotic Cookery also housed within! A girl's gotta have fun!}
Saturday, June 18, 2011
R & R
Came into Atlanta Friday morning. Picked Roo up and did a little shopping and lunch at the DeKalb Farmer's Market...we love their cefeteria style line with everything from fried chicken to goat stew with tabouleh and Samosas in between! It was a little cloudy, but we had a great walk and visit in the Botanical Gardens. I love their relatively new exhibit -the edible garden. Brent thought the okra plants were very pretty! Then we took Rosie back to Tech and we went to a nice hotel Brent had gotten with a neat view of the city. He and l took a walk in a pretty blustery wind storm...but it was fun anyway. Then we were back to Tech to pick up Rosie and her friend, Mike, for a fun dinner at Ted's Montana Grill...a chain developed and owned by Ted Turner apparently. We had a good time and it was good to get to meet Mike. Just chillin this morning while Brent is exercising! Plan to explore H-Mart with Rosie later today! Hope you are all having a great weekend - c
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