Felt really tired after this round of therapy...not sure what all contributed, though Brent tells me that at this point in the rounds of medication, the half lives have converged such that the level now remains constant, so perhaps that is the good and the bad news.
Had a nice visit with Momma and Daddy who came up on Friday bringing a delicious lunch with them! Got to visit with some friends who made me laugh on Sat evening. I did manage to walk/jog three miles with Brent and Z on Sat and jogged another 2 on Sunday, plus Brent helped me plant some 'gift' plants from a sweet friend! We added some ferns, bee balm, and wood poppies to Rosie's shade garden. We also put in rose campanula, irises, and yarrow in other areas. Mostly, I went about looking for signs of spring to go with the sounds of geese honking high overhead...and there they were...little daffodils poking their heads out...purple crocuses beginning to bloom...hyacinths and lilies and irises with rising green shoots...and pretty burgundy flowers hiding in the leaves and mulch from the Lenten roses! It was fun. Thanks to all of you who always bring me joy. c
Everything is just rushing into bloom here too!