Brent has been in touch with the doctor running the PD-1/vaccine trial in Tampa over the past bit. Dr. Weber looked at my October scans and agreed that they were melanoma free. He did however, need an additional lab test to determine that I was the appropriate subtype of the antigen we already know I have and needed another set of scans so that they would also prove that they were melanoma free within the required timeframe, should I choose to participate in his trial. So...Thurs I had the blood drawn. That result should be back this week, although when he questioned Brent about my ethnicity, he said that those with my German/Irish background had a 90% chance of having the required subtype and didn't seem too worried about it. (Of course, he doesn't have melanoma, so that's easy!!) Friday, I had a brain MRI and neck, chest, abd, and pelvic CT Scan. The CT's have been read as demonstrating NO melanoma. The MRI is still officially un-read, though Brent has perused all the pics and reports them unchanged. So, I figure that's a pretty accurate read! Either way, the group in Tampa will have the last word, as they will overread them anyway. I still don't know for sure that I will be accepted into the study, nor am I certain that I wish to participate in it. But, Brent and I will be flying down to Tampa Thursday afternoon for a Friday appointment with the big man himself. I guess he will have to make his decisions and I will have to make mine. I have many questions for him regarding PD-1, Ipi, as well as particulars of the trial itself. So, I will just have to see what happens. Will keep you posted.
Had a great weekend. Ruthie came up on Friday after my scans and we got to play and rest together. She has made it back home to Alabama safe and sound, but it was so nice to get to spend time with her.
Back to work for a few days and then off for my winter get-a-way to the Sunshine State!!! ;>)
I am a little jealous of you getting to be so much warmer than me! They have highs of 60, I have highs of 38!
ReplyDeleteI had such a great time! I love you!