So happy to get to see so many of my Peds Care friends today!!! Jenn and Joyce helped me plan a little surprise by showing up at their monthly luncheon today. It was so nice to see each of you and catch up on you and yours a little today. I am so happy about all the new homes and jobs and babies and kids that are growing and doing well!!! You were all a good tonic for me and Rosie!!
Rosie is doing very well after all her tortures!! The swelling from her extractions is almost completely gone. She remains a little sore but is healing well. Her incision on her arm is healing neatly and she is back to most of her normal activities.
Fred-o is great....doing some chores for me and catching up with some of his friends as they come back into town. Brent is well and as Rosie put it today, is no longer a donkey on the edge, but rather, a donkey who continues to look over at the edge - nervously.
I am getting stronger each day and the cough is gradually getting better. I am so excited!! Next week....there are no doctor visits scheduled for ANYBODY!!!! The following week I do have to go in for my PFT (pulmonary function test) at the pulmonologist's office, but until then...I have a week off!!!
My new favorite paragraph: From, Cry the Beloved Country. By, Alan Paton
"For some hours he sat there in the sun, and whether it was the warmth of it, or the sight of the wide plain beneath stretching away to blue and distant mountains, or the mere passage of time, or the divine providence for the soul that is distressed, he could not say; but there was some rising of the spirit, some lifting of the fear."
May you all find some ease from any burden you may be carrying. With much love - c
It was GREAT to see you my friend!! You are looking great and Rosie was cute as ever. Ready for you to come back to pc with us, but wishing you a great summer spending time with your family. love ya and take care!