Had my Pulmonary Function Test repeated this morning and am very pleased to report that the tech that did it said it was no different in any regard from the one she did before surg!!!! I thought that was pretty great. I can tell a big improvement in my breathing now than just even a few weeks ago. My cough has decreased a great deal and I am hoping it will be completely gone soon.
Then, it was off to get an ABG (arterial blood gas) drawn, which I didn't want to do...knowing how those feel for the victim!!! At any rate, had to be placed in a wheelchair and rolled over to the pulmonary lab by two chubby teens who talked about "hacking" face book the whole time, while I am CERTAIN I could out run and out distance them both!! (Can you tell I hate to be the patient?!!!) At any rate, escaped the wheelchair to land in the lab. Nice lady with a good deal of experience was unable to get the blood sample from my left radial artery (which had been ultra bruised and massacred during surg and may be the reason she had problems today) and I just didn't feel like letting anyone have a go at the right (and yes, it hurt like a booger!!!). Given the good PFT results, I the victim, do not feel that further prodding is currently necessary!!! :>) I did manage to escape on my own power, since the helpers didn't have the sense to wait for the incapacitated person they had carted over....thank goodness!!!
Here's to ambulating on your own for as long as you can - c
I can feel your happy spirit while reading your archives. You are the champion!!