Well, that's done. OK, Tammy B., either you were being uncharacteristically sneaky and withheld complete, detailed info, or your Daddy was one tough dude!!! I'm in a rather beat up state with the two forehead sites swollen and oozing...Brent is about to try to get them dressed. I'm having the most trouble with the site at the right temple, because either the injection or the screw itself hit a nerve and I had the most wicked numbness, like the kind you have with major dental work, over my entire right side of my face, that then changed over to some rather fantastic TMJ pain, so, I'm hoping that will wear off soon. But, I got home, ate some soup, took some major drugs, and as soon as Brent can patch me up, I'm off to bed.
On the good side, I may have already said, the CT was as expected with no additional lesions and the neuro radiologist felt he had a great plan to zap it with high dose radiation and GET RID OF IT. I just hope it looks worse than I do!! :>)
Thanks for all the love sent my way today. It is very real to me. Love to all. c
Celeste, just wanted to tell you that we all like and approve of this neuro radiologist's plan: zap and get rid of it!!! He's our kinda guy! We miss you, we love you and we are praying like crazy women for you. And I think you have the coolest, sweetest daughter, Rosie, you are awesome, it was great meeting you the other day. I am sure you are a true and wonderful blessing to your mom, as is your dad and brother, but moms and daughters have an amazing bond. I hope to see you and laugh with you about crazy Peds Care stuff soon my friend. I love you, Kelli
ReplyDeleteThank goodness it's over! What a day that must have been... Hopefully the side effects (due to holes in your head)won't last long! I love you!
ReplyDeleteSo glad that parts over. Hope your "holey" head heals really quickly. You're in my thoughts and prays everyday, Love you, Connie
ReplyDeleteSorry it was bad my friend!! My dad just complained of aliitle h/a. I now am wondering if he just didnt tell me cause he knew i was worried. Well glad its over. Rest and get ready for the big day. love ya! by the way you know i would of told you the truth if i had known it was bad cause i am always getting into trouble for speaking the truth!!! Have you thought about the fact you have left me at pedscare w/o you to help filter my mouth!!!!!!!!! O joy let the fun begin..lol....
ReplyDeleteI have those assigned to watch for any situations that need modification, warnings, etc. in my absence...so be ware!!! :>)Love you. Actually feeling better now...but I still think your dad was tough!!!
ReplyDeleteMy dad was a fighter but so are you!! lol..not sure who your "watchers" are but i am betting that they will encourage me to be bad!!I know Sheri will so i hope you didnt leave her in charge!! Glad you are feeling better.