The story of living in spite of melanoma, CLND (X 2!), metastasis, vaccines, anti-PD-1, lung removal, and stereotactic radiation. (With a little adenocarcinoma ex-goblet cell carcinoid thrown in!!!) The story of life with family and friends. {Posts under ~ Sew Chaotically, Travel Chaotically, and Chaotic Cookery also housed within! A girl's gotta have fun!}
Sunday, June 30, 2019
3 miles done. Faster than some days. Slower than others. Just a little PSA here: running on hot pavement makes pain from neuropathies in your feet worse. But, as Jeanne shared ~
"There is peace, even in the storm." ~ Vincent Van Gogh
Ready for the next evolution. (I think.) - les
Friday, June 28, 2019
I've said it before, I'll say it again - ENOUGH ALREADY! No more interferon for melanoma!!! (Or placebos - for that matter!!!)
I had to make a hard decision about utilizing interferon (or not!!) back in the dark ages of melanoma - 2010: Oncology visit limbo.....
Since then, we have learned definitively, that interferon does NOT provide any survival benefit for melanoma patients! There was this in 2016: Sunbelt Melanoma Trial Final Results: No survival benefit for interferon or complete lymph node dissection in patients with a single positive SLN!
BUT, we were STILL looking at interferon as adjuvant: ASCO 2016 - Two Adjuvant studies for Stage III/IV - with interferon vs pembro vs ipi - still recruiting
Finally! In February 2017, there was this: For Stage II/III melanoma patients: Interferon NO BETTER than observation!!!! and in November of that year, in a discussion among Melanoma Big Dogs, this conclusion was drawn: Review of adjuvant treatment in Stage III melanoma and "death knell" for ipi and interferon in that role!!!!
However, Kirkwood (and others) can't seem to get the facts straight in their heads!!! Earlier this year I wrote: Kirkwood needs to STOP!!! NO MORE INTERFERON!!! Geeze!!!!
Now....there's this:
United States Intergroup E1609: A phase III randomized study of
adjuvant ipilimumab (3 or 10 mg/kg) versus high-dose interferon-α2b for
resected high-risk melanoma. 2019 ASCO. Rarhini, Lee, Hodi, et al. J Clin Oncol 37, 2019.
Background: Phase III adjuvant trials reported significant benefits in relapse-free survival (RFS) for 6 FDA-approved regimens and overall survival (OS) for HDI and ipi10 versus observation or placebo. E1609 evaluated the relative safety and efficacy of ipi at 3 and 10 mg/kg compared to HDI, which was the adjuvant standard until recently. Methods: E1609 had 2 co-primary endpoints: OS and RFS; considered positive if either co-primary endpoint comparison was positive. Activated on 5/25/2011 and completed accrual 8/15/2014. A 2-step hierarchical approach evaluated ipi3 vs HDI followed by ipi10 vs HDI. Patients were stratified by AJCC7 stage (IIIB, IIIC, M1a, M1b). Based on protocol criteria, the primary evaluation was conducted using a data cutoff of 2/15/2019. Results: Final adult patient accrual was 1670; 523 randomized to ipi3, 636 to HDI and 511 to ipi10. Treatment related adverse events (AEs) Grade 3 or higher were experienced by 37% pts with ipi3, 79% with HDI and 58% with ipi10, and those of any grade leading to treatment discontinuation were 35% with ipi3, 20% HDI and 54% ipi10. AEs were mostly immune related and consistent with the known toxicity profiles of these agents. Gr5 AEs considered at least possibly related were 3 with ipi3, 2 with HDI and 8 with ipi10. First step comparison of OS and RFS of ipi3 vs. HDI utilized an ITT analysis of concurrently randomized cases (N = 1051) and showed significant OS difference in favor of ipi3. The prespecified efficacy boundary was crossed. In the 2nd step comparison of ipi10 vs. HDI (N = 989), there were trends towards improvement in OS and RFS in favor of ipi10 that were not statistically significant. Conclusions: Adjuvant therapy with ipi3 benefits survival of resected high-risk melanoma pts; for the first time in the history of melanoma adjuvant therapy, E1609 has demonstrated a significant improvement in the primary endpoint of OS against an active control regimen previously shown to have OS and RFS benefits, supporting early systemic adjuvant therapy for high-risk melanoma.
Not news. Stop with the interferon already!!! Plus, there's this:
Multiple antigen-engineered DC vaccines with or without IFNα to promote antitumor immunity in melanoma. Butterfield, Vujanovic, Santos, et al. J Immunother Cancer. 2019 Apr 24.
Cancer vaccines are designed to promote systemic antitumor immunity and tumor eradication. Cancer vaccination may be more efficacious in combination with additional interventions that may build on or amplify their effects.
Based on our previous clinical and in vitro studies, we designed an antigen-engineered DC vaccine trial to promote a polyclonal CD8+ and CD4+ T cell response against three shared melanoma antigens. The 35 vaccine recipients were then randomized to receive one month of high-dose IFNα or observation.
The resulting clinical outcomes were 2 partial responses, 8 stable disease and 14 progressive disease among patients with measurable disease using RECIST 1.1, and, of 11 surgically treated patients with no evidence of disease (NED), 4 remain NED at a median follow-up of 3 years. The majority of vaccinated patients showed an increase in vaccine antigen-specific CD8+ and CD4+ T cell responses. The addition of IFNα did not appear to improve immune or clinical responses in this trial. Examination of the DC vaccine profiles showed that IL-12p70 secretion did not correlate with immune or clinical responses. In depth immune biomarker studies support the importance of circulating Treg and MDSC for development of antigen-specific T cell responses, and of circulating CD8+ and CD4+ T cell subsets in clinical responses.
DC vaccines are a safe and reliable platform for promoting antitumor immunity. This combination with one month of high dose IFNα did not improve outcomes. Immune biomarker analysis in the blood identified several predictive and prognostic biomarkers for further analysis, including MDSC.
The resulting clinical outcomes were 2 partial responses, 8 stable disease and 14 progressive disease among patients with measurable disease using RECIST 1.1, and, of 11 surgically treated patients with no evidence of disease (NED), 4 remain NED at a median follow-up of 3 years. The majority of vaccinated patients showed an increase in vaccine antigen-specific CD8+ and CD4+ T cell responses. The addition of IFNα did not appear to improve immune or clinical responses in this trial. Examination of the DC vaccine profiles showed that IL-12p70 secretion did not correlate with immune or clinical responses. In depth immune biomarker studies support the importance of circulating Treg and MDSC for development of antigen-specific T cell responses, and of circulating CD8+ and CD4+ T cell subsets in clinical responses.
DC vaccines are a safe and reliable platform for promoting antitumor immunity. This combination with one month of high dose IFNα did not improve outcomes. Immune biomarker analysis in the blood identified several predictive and prognostic biomarkers for further analysis, including MDSC.
Ipilimumab versus placebo after complete resection of stage III
melanoma: Long-term follow-up results the EORTC 18071 double-blind phase 3
randomized trial. 2019 ASCO. Eggermont, Chiarion-Sileni, Grob, et al. J Clin Oncol 37, 2019.
Background: Since 2015, ipilimumab (Ipi) is an
approved treatment for stage III melanoma based on a significantly prolonged recurrence-free survival (RFS) (Eggermont et al, Lancet Oncology,
2015). At a median follow-up of 5.3 years, RFS and distant
metastasis-free survival (DMFS), assessed by an IRC, and overall
survival (OS) were prolonged in the Ipi group as compared to the
placebo (Pbo) group (Eggermont et al, NEJM, 2016), despite a 53.3% (Ipi) vs
4.6% (Pbo) treatment discontinuation rate due to adverse events. Methods: In
this randomized double-blind trial, eligible patients (pts) included those greater than/= to 18
yrs of age who underwent complete resection of stage III cutaneous melanoma
(excluding lymph node metastasis ≤1 mm or in-transit metastasis). 951 pts were
randomized (stratified by stage and region) 1:1 to Ipi 10 mg/kg (n=475) or
placebo (Pbo, n=476) q3w for 4 doses, then every 3 mos for up to 3 yrs until
completion, disease recurrence, or unacceptable toxicity. Here, we report the
comparison between the Ipi and Pbo groups regarding the long-term efficacy
outcomes using the local investigator assessments. Results: Overall,
20%/44%/36% of pts had AJCC-7 stage IIIA/IIIB/IIIC, 42% ulcerated primary, and
58% macroscopic lymph node involvement. Median follow-up was 6.9 yrs. The RFS,
DMFS and OS benefit observed in the Ipi group was long-lasting (almost 10%
difference at 7 years) and consistent across subgroups: no significant
predictive factors could be detected. Conclusions: In
this phase III trial, Ipi, administered at 10 mg/kg, as adjuvant therapy
provided, at a 6.9 yr median follow-up, a sustained improvement in the RFS,
DMFS, and OS long-term results in patients with high-risk stage III melanoma.
Clinical trial information: NCT00636168
No. of
HR (95%
0.73 (0.60-0.89)
Of course, Stage III melanoma peeps who were treated with ipi instead of placebo have done better!!! DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We do not need to waste time, money and other resources on melanoma trials that utilize placebo or interferon as the comparator any longer. While these are follow-up reports to pre-existing studies, and the data should be presented, it is unfortunate that some researchers STILL try to harken back to these variables. NO. MORE. We have effective FDA approved treatments in the realm of immunotherapy, targeted therapy and intralesional therapies - across patients using them as adjuvant and to treat active disease. Create studies that make sense. Compare apples to apples. No more placebo or interferon based studies! ENOUGH!
But, through the storm.... remains, brightening the shadows, in a lighter shade of pale. Wishing a beautiful weekend to you all. c
Thursday, June 27, 2019
Anti-PD-1 results in melanoma patients: outcomes plus responses to retreatment
So, for those of us lucky enough to respond to anti-PD-1, given the BE-ATCH that is melanoma, it does cross your mind, "Now what???!!!"
For a little background, here are the 2017 ASCO articles, that I included in: ASCO 2017: Outcomes after stopping immunotherapy in melanoma
Here are the related articles from 2018: ASCO 2018 - Outcomes for melanoma peeps after stopping anti-PD-1
Along with this from 2017: After stopping anti-PD1 long can melanoma patients maintain a complete response????
Finally, if once you were an anti-PD-1 responder, but find yourself one no longer, there was this from 2018: Anti-PD-1 after progression
Now, there's this:
Responders to anti-PD1 therapy: Long-term
outcomes and responses to retreatment in melanoma (mel). 2019 ASCO. Warner, Palmer, Shoushtari, ...Wolchok, Postow, et al. J Clin Oncol 37, 2019.
Background: Little is
known about patients (pts) who discontinue anti-PD1 therapy after a complete
response (CR) outside of clinical trials. There are also limited data about
retreatment with a second course of anti-PD1 upon disease progression. Methods: We retrospectively
studied pts (n = 398) at MSKCC with unresectable mel (non-uveal) who received greater than/= to 1 dose of single-agent anti-PD1 and were followed greater than/= to 3 months (mos) after
treatment cessation. CR was defined radiographically or by a negative biopsy of
residual tissue. Overall survival (OS) and time to treatment failure (TTF, time
until next therapy or death) were calculated from time of CR. When to stop
therapy and whether to retreat after progressive disease (PD) were at the
discretion of the treating oncologist. A subset of pts received a second course
of single-agent anti-PD1 greater than/= to 3 months after initial discontinuation; retreated pts
were evaluable if they had radiographic or clinical evaluation to assess
retreatment efficacy. Results: 102
pts (25.6%) achieved CR (n = 89 radiographic, n = 13 pathologic). Median
follow-up was 22.6 mos for survivors who had a CR. Estimated 3-year OS from
time of CR was 82.5%. For pts who had a CR, therapy was
discontinued due to CR (n = 72), toxicity (n = 24), or other reasons (n = 6).
The median duration of treatment for CR pts was 9.4 mos (range 1.6-36.1). 20 CR
pts later had progressive disease (PD). Median TTF has not been reached; at
3-years the estimated treatment-free survival for CR pts was 72.3%. 34 pts received a second course of anti-PD1 for PD after a median
of 11.6 mos off treatment (range 3.5-28.6). Best responses to the second course
of treatment were: 2 CRs (5.9%), 3 with tumor shrinkage (8.8%), 9 (26.5%) with
SD, and 20 with PD (58.8%). Of these pts who had had a CR (n = 8) or some
lesser degree of tumor shrinkage (n = 13) to the initial course of anti-PD1
treatment, only 1 and 2 pts responded, respectively, to retreatment. Median
duration of retreatment was 10.9 wks. Conclusions: In
this largest dataset to knowledge of mel pts treated with a second course of
anti-PD1, response rate was low, even in pts who had achieved a response
initially. Further study is needed into the necessary duration of initial
anti-PD1 treatment and optimal strategies for initial responders who
discontinue and later develop PD.
Here, when looking back over the records of 398 melanoma patients treated with at least one dose of anti-PD-1 (I think they should have chosen those who had had at least a year of treatment, but that's just me!) 102 of those peeps had a complete response. Median f/u of them was 22.6 months. 3 year OS from CR was 82.5%. 20 of these complete responders later had progressive disease. Additionally, they looked at 34 patients who were given a second course of anti-PD-1 for progression after 11.6 months off treatment. (At least in the abstract, they do not break down these 34 as to whether they were complete responders, partial responders, folks with stable disease or what.) Of these, 2 gained a CR, 3 had tumor shrinkage, 9 had stable disease and 20 continued with progressive disease. Of those who responded to this second round of anti-PD-1, 1 had had a CR to their first exposure to anti-PD-1 and 2 had had "a lesser degree of tumor shrinkage" to their first round of anti-PD-1. The obvious conclusion was "In this largest dataset to knowledge of mel pts treated with a second course of anti-PD1, response rate was low, even in pts who had achieved a response initially. "
So - good news vs bad news sort of thing. Pretty good data on CR and durability of those responses, with OS of 82.5% of CR at 3 years. Pretty tough to see the limited response rates for retreatment with anti-PD-1. HOWEVER! I think there is a major flaw in this retrospective. We KNOW that immunotherapy takes a minute to work. We KNOW that it usually takes more than one dose to make a difference. SO....including folks who had been given only one dose of anti-PD-1 in this data set would obviously skew the results to having fewer responders of all stripes. But, again - that's just me.
Hang tough, ratties, for there is still beauty...
...after the storm. - c
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
Circulating DNA (ctDNA) Yes, again! A noninvasive method of diagnosing and monitoring melanoma patients
Yep. Another thing I have been yelling about for years. Circulating tumor DNA. Something we can measure in the blood of melanoma patients. Here are zillions of reports: Important stuff floating in our blood - tumor DNA, micro RNA, cytokines - can determine tumor burden, predict response, and side effects for melanoma patients!!! Now, there's this:
ctDNA as a noninvasive monitoring tool in
metastatic melanoma. 2019 ASCO. Varaljai, Wistuba-Hamprecht, Seremet, et al. J Clin Oncology 37, 2019.
Background: The field of
liquid biopsy provides a promising alternative to standard tissue biopsies.
Previous work has shown that plasma circulating cell-free DNA (ctDNA) can
reflect the heterogeneous spectrum of mutations in cancer including metastatic
melanoma. Our project aimed to establish and statistically validate
plasma-based assays for tumour load and therapy monitoring in melanoma. Methods: On a large cohort of
stage III and stage IV melanoma patients (N = 96) who received signalling
targeted or immune checkpoint inhibitors we showed that the most common oncogenic
drivers of this disease such as the BRAFV600E, NRASQ61 and the TERTC250T and
TERTC228T promoter mutations (termed TERTprom) can be analysed in ctDNA with
highly sensitive droplet digital PCR technology (detection of mutant ctDNA down
to 0.01% analytical sensitivity). Results: Our
research has demonstrated that ctDNA (irrespective of the genotype)
significantly correlates with tumour stage. Using receiver
operating characteristics (ROC) analyses thresholds were established for risk
stratification and response prediction. Elevated ctDNA at baseline was a
significant predictor of disease progression compared to elevated LDH or S100
in multivariable cox proportional hazards model. During therapy, patients with low ctDNA load (below the ROC threshold)
had significantly better radiological outcomes and prolonged progression free
survival (PFS) compared to patients with high ctDNA load. Our
findings were confirmed on an independent cohort of metastatic melanoma
patients (N = 35) treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors, where also during
therapy low ctDNA load correlated with prolonged PFS. An added
benefit of ctDNA was demonstrated in about 80% of the patients, where ctDNA
analyses preceded the radiological diagnosis of response or relapse.
Progression was detected in plasma ctDNA in average 3.5 months earlier as
compared to routine imaging techniques. Finally, we demonstrated that the
occurrence of NRASQ61 mutation in BRAFV600-inhibitor treated patients at
therapy baseline was associated with treatment failure. The sub-clonal NRASQ61
mutation at therapy baseline was an independent predictor of shorter PFS as compared to BRAFV600E patients without the NRASQ61 mutation
at therapy baseline. Conclusions: In
sum, our results support the value of ctDNA as a sensitive biomarker for
real-time therapy monitoring and early detection of disease progression.
It works! Doesn't require surgical biopsy. Shows results months sooner than radiological imaging techniques and doesn't expose the patient to radiation. What are we waiting on??????
There is also, this:
Circulating Cell-Free DNA-Diagnostic and Prognostic Applications in Personalized Cancer Therapy. Oellerich, Schutz, Beck, Walson. Ther Drug Monit. 2019 Apr.
Genomic analyses in oncologic care allow for the development of more precise clinical laboratory tests that will be critical for personalized pharmacotherapy. Traditional biopsy-based approaches are limited by the availability of sequential tissue specimens to detect resistance. Blood-based genomic profiling ("liquid biopsy") is useful for longitudinal monitoring of tumor genomes and can complement biopsies. Tumor-associated mutations can be identified in cell-free tumor DNA (ctDNA) from patient blood samples and used for monitoring disease activity. The US Food and Drug Administration approved a liquid biopsy test for EGFR-activating mutations in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer as a companion diagnostic for therapy selection. ctDNA also allows for the identification of mutations selected by treatment such as EGFR T790M in non-small-cell lung cancer. ctDNA can also detect mutations such as KRAS G12V in colorectal cancer and BRAF V600E/V600K in melanoma. Chromosomal aberration pattern analysis by low-coverage whole genome sequencing is a new, broader approach. Genomic imbalances detected in cell-free DNA (cfDNA) can be used to compute a copy number instability (CNI) score. In clinical studies, it was demonstrated that the change in CNI score can serve as an early predictor of therapeutic response to chemotherapy/immunotherapy of many cancer types. In multivariable models, it could be shown that the CNI score was superior to clinical parameters for prediction of overall survival in patients with head and neck cancer. There is emerging evidence for the clinical validity of ctDNA testing regarding identification of candidates for targeted therapies, prediction of therapeutic response, early detection of recurrence, resistance mutation detection, measuring genetic heterogeneity, tumor burden monitoring, and risk stratification. Improvement of sensitivity to detect tumors at very early stages is difficult due to insufficient mutant DNA fraction of less than/= to 0.01%. Further developments will include validation in prospective multicenter interventional outcome studies and the development of digital platforms to integrate diagnostic data.
The technology exists to make this simple test available - impacting melanoma patients in lots of ways! Let's make it so!!!
And, yes. There is still beauty -
- despite the storm. ~ les
Sunday, June 23, 2019
New Stuff!! Treatment options and current trials for melanoma patients! The first installment of this year's ASCO review.
As I expected, there was not a great deal of NEW news for melanoma patients coming out of ASCO this year. However, there were a few new things in the works as well as supporting and dismissive data - (this last often being under reported, but certainly important!!!) - for some existing ideas/treatment strategies. Over the next few days I will be posting some of the hits and misses (from my perspective) with my take (in red). Here we go....
#1: I first reported on NKTR in 2013. Click here for that report as well as abstracts and analysis from 2018. After examining the Phase 1 and Phase 2 reports of the PIVOT trial I wrote:
"...back to NKTR-214 combined with nivo. Like many drugs/trials in cancer/melanoma world, the Phase 1 trials were super promising. Phase II results were a little less so. Responses as noted in the article were "(ORR) of 50% in treatment-naïve patients with melanoma, including an ORR of 42% in PD-L1–negative patients". We have already determined that treatment naive patients tend to have the best responses. But even so, 50% beats 40%. Additionally, we also know that PD-L1 status has not been particularly definitive in attaining responses to anti-PD-1 drugs, but it is still good to note a 42% ORR in PD-L1 negative patients and that side effects were really no worse in this combo than when anti-PD-1 is taken alone. So....
I still hold out hope ~ for vaccines, for IDO-inhibitors, and the current responses to NKTR-214 combined with nivo to hold. BUT! Unlike Melanoma Big Dogs in their ivory towers....we canaries in the coalmines...the and me...can't afford to pontificate on the hypothetical. We have to deal with the real live results that are happening for real. Today. To us."
That's how I look at melanoma research!!!! ALWAYS! Now....this:
CA045-001: A phase III, randomized, open
label study of bempegaldesleukin (NKTR-214) plus nivolumab (NIVO) versus NIVO
monotherapy in patients (pts) with previously untreated, unresectable or
metastatic melanoma (MEL). 2019 ASCO. Nikhil, Khushalani, Diab, .... Sznol, Long. J Clin Oncol 37, 2019 (suppl; abstr TPS9601)
Background: Standard of
care for pts with previously untreated, unresectable or metastatic MEL includes
checkpoint inhibitors. Bempegaldesleukin is a CD122-preferential IL-2 pathway
agonist designed to provide sustained signaling through the IL-2 βγ receptor to
activate and proliferate effector CD8+ T and NK cells over T-regulatory cells
in the tumor (Hurwitz ME et al. ASCO GU 2017). In the dose-expansion phase of
the phase 1/2 PIVOT-02 trial, bempegaldesleukin + NIVO was well tolerated at
the recommended phase 2 dose (RP2D; bempegaldesleukin 0.006 mg/kg IV Q3W + NIVO
360 mg IV Q3W), and previously untreated pts with MEL receiving the RP2D achieved
an objective response rate (ORR) of 20/38 (53%) and a complete response of 9/38
(24%) by independent radiology review (Diab A et al. SITC 2018). Presented is
the design of the first phase 3 trial in the bempegaldesleukin + NIVO
development program in pts with previously untreated, unresectable or
metastatic MEL. Methods: This
phase 3, randomized, open-label study aims to evaluate the effectiveness,
safety, and tolerability of bempegaldesleukin + NIVO (NCT03635983). Eligible
pts are greater that/= to 2 y with histologically confirmed stage III (unresectable) or stage
IV MEL and ECOG PS less that/= to 1 or Lansky PS greater than/= to 80% (minors 12-17 y). Pts are ineligible if
they have active brain or leptomeningeal metastases, uveal MEL, or a recurrence within 6 mo of completing
adjuvant treatment with any approved agent. Pts will be stratified by PD-L1
status (measured using PD-L1 IHC 28-8 pharmDx), BRAF mutation status, and lactate dehydrogenase level, and
will be randomized to receive bempegaldesleukin 0.006 mg/kg IV Q3W + NIVO 360
mg IV Q3W or NIVO 360 mg IV Q3W up to 24 mo, or until progression or
unacceptable toxicity (N ~ 764). Primary endpoints are ORR and progression-free
survival (PFS) by blinded independent central review (BICR) and overall
survival (OS). Secondary endpoints include ORR and PFS by investigator, ORR and
PFS by BICR in biomarker population, OS in biomarker population, and safety.
Additional endpoints include pharmacokinetics and quality-of-life assessment.
Clinical trial information: NCT03635983
So, this is an open and recruiting trial. It is randomized. Some folks will be getting the NKTR-214 drug with nivo, some will get nivo only. Prior ORR of 53% is better than the usual of about 40% to anti-PD-1 products given alone, but about equal to the ipi/nivo combo. If the side effects of this combo is less than those caused by ipi/nivo, that could be a good thing. Lots of the usual melanoma peeps are excluded. But, there you go.
#2: In 2017, I posted: IMO-2125, a TLR agonist combined with Yervoy (ipi) for folks with melanoma refractory to anti-PD-1 - writing:
"Hmmm..... Well, it is certainly a fact that we have folks who fail to gain effective control of their melanoma with anti-PD-1 and its 40% response rate, leaving them in desperate need of an effective therapy! It is also true that I encourage and fully support looking at any and all possible treatments to help them. Yet, I remain a little puzzled here. This statement sounds strong, but is substantially lacking in, hmmm....what's the word?????? " from multiple parameters of immune markers from tumor biopsies have been very informative in establishing proof-of-mechanism and supporting the dose selection for the Phase 2 portion of the trial.” Oh! I know what it is....DATA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This report tells us NOTHING about how the folks in the phase 1 trial are doing!!!
An interesting aside: The name TLR, toll-like receptor, came from the appearance the fruit fly larvae developed when used as subjects by researchers to isolate the molecule's function. The larvae in whom the receptor was changed, looked very peculiar, or "droll", according to the German researchers who won a Nobel prize in medicine for this work. And the German word for "droll" (i.e. funny) is "toll"! The more you know....
While I hope IMO-2125 will absolutely be the cure for ever so many cancers, including melanoma, we need to remember that current intratumoral/intralesional therapies that are being combined with immunotherapy daily, to good effect, are available for melanoma patients in need and come WITH data supporting their efficacy! Here's a post reviewing a wide variety of them and the DATA required for them to sally forth:
ASCO 2017: All things intralesional/intratumoral
If TLR agonists become the next great thing....will we all be cured of our melanoma AND have a great sense of humor...or just look a little funny????? Hang tough ratties! The road is long with lots of tolls! And I mean LOTS!!! - c"
Now, there's this:
ILLUMINATE 301: A randomized phase 3 study of
tilsotolimod in combination with ipilimumab compared with ipilimumab alone in
patients with advanced melanoma following progression on or after anti-PD-1
therapy. 2019 ASCO. Butler, Rober, Negrier....Ascierto, et al. J Clin Oncol 37, 2019 (suppl; abstr TPS9599)
Background: Tilsotolimod (IMO-2125) is a Toll-like
receptor (TLR) 9 agonist with potent immunostimulating activity. In an ongoing
Phase 1/2 clinical study in patients with advanced melanoma who progressed on
or after anti-PD-1 therapy (NCT02644967), intratumoral (IT) tilsotolimod with
ipilimumab was well-tolerated, demonstrating durable responses (including
complete response; 21 months), dendritic cell activation, type I interferon
response, CD8+ T-cell proliferation in responders, and an abscopal
effect. Methods: ILLUMINATE 301
(NCT03445533) is a randomized phase 3 global, multi-center, open-label study of
IT tilsotolimod (8 mg) in combination with ipilimumab (3 mg/kg) versus
ipilimumab monotherapy in patients with advanced melanoma and progression on or
after anti-PD-1 therapy. Eligible patients are greater than/= to 18 years with histologically
confirmed unresectable Stage III or Stage IV melanoma, greater than/= to 1 measurable lesion
accessible for injection (superficial or visceral, the latter with image
guidance), ECOG PS 1, and adequate organ function. Exclusion criteria include
prior TLR agonists, prior ipilimumab (except adjuvant ≥12 weeks before
progression), and CNS disease other than stable brain metastases. Patients are
randomized 1:1 and stratified by duration of prior anti-PD-1.
So....another recruiting option for those who have progressed on anti-PD-1 and have an injectable lesions. Stage III or IV melanoma ratties will be randomized to get either injections of tilsotolimod (IMO-2125) directly into their lesion along with ipi or ipi alone. You cannot have already taken a TLR agonist, ipi (unless it was only as adjuvant more than 12 weeks before progression) and can have no CNS disease other than stable brain mets.
#3: Here's some background re: TIM-3 from 2016 and Dr. Jeff Weber:
The Future for Melanoma Treatment = Combo's! Dr. Weber breaks it down - This interview/report is pretty cool and clear. I'll just let the Wizard break it down - Now, this:
The Future for Melanoma Treatment = Combo's! Dr. Weber breaks it down - This interview/report is pretty cool and clear. I'll just let the Wizard break it down - Now, this:
A phase Ia/b study of TIM-3/PD-L1 bispecific antibody in patients with advanced solid tumors. 2019 ASCO. Hellmann, Shimizu, Toshihiko, Hodi, et al. J Clin Oncol 37, 2019.
Background: Programmed cell death 1 immune checkpoint inhibitors (anti-PD-1, anti-PD-L1) have demonstrated clinical benefit in a subset of patients with manageable safety across a variety of tumor types. T-cell immunoglobulin and mucin-domain-containing molecule-3 (TIM-3) can be co-expressed with PD-1 on exhausted T-cells and may be upregulated in tumors refractory to anti-PD-1 therapy (Koyama et al. 2016). Pre-clinical studies demonstrated that blockade of both PD-1 and TIM-3 improved survival of tumor-bearing mice compared to blocking anti-PD-1 only (Koyama et al. 2016). LY3415244 is a TIM-3/PD-L1 bispecific antibody that has the ability to target and inhibit both TIM-3 and PD-L1 and the potential to overcome primary and acquired anti-PD-(L)1 resistance by a novel mechanism to bridge TIM-3- and PD-L1-expressing cells. Methods: Study JZDA is a multicenter, nonrandomized, open-label, Phase 1a/1b study of LY3415244 in patients with advanced solid tumors. In Phase 1a, subjects with any tumor type who are either PD-(L)1 inhibitor-naïve or exposed are eligible. In Phase 1b, expansion cohorts are planned in subjects with PD-(L)1-experienced NSCLC, urothelial carcinoma, and melanoma. Patients with malignant mesothelioma are not required to have received prior anti-PD-(L)1 therapy. The primary objective is to assess safety and tolerability of LY3415244 and identify the recommended Phase 2 dose (RP2D) in Phase 1a (dose escalation). Safety and tolerability of the RP2D will be assessed in Phase 1b (dose expansion). The secondary objectives are to assess the pharmacokinetics of LY3415244 in Phase 1a/1b and assess early antitumor activity of LY3415244 in Phase 1b cohorts. Pre- and on-treatment biopsies will be obtained to explore potential biomarkers of response. During Phase 1a, dose escalation cohorts will proceed via a modified toxicity probability interval-2 (mTPI-2) design with a 1-cycle (28-day) dose-limiting toxicity (DLT) observation period. LY3415244 will be dosed intravenously every 2 weeks. Data from Phase 1a will determine the RP2D, which will be used for all cohorts in Phase 1b. The study is currently open to enrollment. Clinical trial information: NCT03752177.
I seems that you can already have had anti-PD-1, or not, and still qualify. Folks with NSCLC, urothelial carcinoma or melanoma may enter. Initially, it is a just a dose limiting much can you give without making folks grow 2 heads?...but then they are also going to look at the impact on the tumors as well. Early days for this one, but....
#4: TNF is tumor necrosis factor is a protein that plays a role in cell life, differentiation, growth, and death and has a lot to do with inflammation in our bodies. In cancer, it's even more complicated. In this article, the authors note: "In regard to cancer, TNF is a double-dealer. On one hand, TNF could be an endogenous tumor promoter, because TNF stimulates cancer cells’ growth, proliferation, invasion and metastasis, and tumor angiogenesis. On the other hand, TNF could be a cancer killer. The property of TNF in inducing cancer cell death renders it a potential cancer therapeutic, although much work is needed to reduce its toxicity for systematic TNF administration. Recent studies have focused on sensitizing cancer cells to TNF-induced apoptosis through inhibiting survival signals such as NF-κB, by combined therapy."
Now, there's this:
Prophylactic TNF blockade uncouples efficacy and toxicity in dual CTLA-4 and PD-1 immunotherapy. Perez-Ruiz, Minute, Otano, et al. Nature. 2019 May 1.
Combined PD-1 and CTLA-4-targeted immunotherapy with nivolumab and ipilimumab is effective against melanoma, renal cell carcinoma and non-small-cell lung cancer. However, this comes at the cost of frequent, serious immune-related adverse events, necessitating a reduction in the recommended dose of ipilimumab that is given to patients. In mice, co-treatment with surrogate anti-PD-1 and anti-CTLA-4 monoclonal antibodies is effective in transplantable cancer models, but also exacerbates autoimmune colitis. Here we show that treating mice with clinically available TNF inhibitors concomitantly with combined CTLA-4 and PD-1 immunotherapy ameliorates colitis and, in addition, improves anti-tumour efficacy. Notably, TNF is upregulated in the intestine of patients suffering from colitis after dual ipilimumab and nivolumab treatment. We created a model in which Rag2-/-Il2rg-/- mice were adoptively transferred with human peripheral blood mononuclear cells, causing graft-versus-host disease that was further exacerbated by ipilimumab and nivolumab treatment. When human colon cancer cells were xenografted into these mice, prophylactic blockade of human TNF improved colitis and hepatitis in xenografted mice, and moreover, immunotherapeutic control of xenografted tumours was retained. Our results provide clinically feasible strategies to dissociate efficacy and toxicity in the use of combined immune checkpoint blockade for cancer immunotherapy.
Knowing that TNF is "upregulated in the intestines of patients suffering from colitis" due to ipi/nivo, these researchers gave mice a TNF inhibitor BEFORE treating them with ipi/nivo. Per this report, blocking TNF improved episodes of colitis and hepatitis caused by ipi/nivo in these poor mice AND the ipi/nivo was still effective against their tumors. Let's hope it works in real live ratties!!
#5: TIL is complicated in lots of ways. I posted this in 2016: TIL - Tumor infiltrating lymphocytes writing in part:
"What is TIL? TIL (Tumor infiltrating lymphocytes) are used in an ACT (adoptive cell transfer) therapy like this: A tumor is removed from the patient's body. Lymphocytes are collected from it. Those lymphocytes are tested in order to identify the cells that show the greatest anti-tumor activity. Then....those particular cells are grown in a lab for several weeks. If the TIL cells grow sufficiently, the patient is given a body pounding dosing of chemotherapy to rid the body of other lymphocytes so that the new TIL batch will be accepted more readily when they are infused with no other immune cells there to attack them. The newly grown lymphocytes are then returned to the patient in an infusion along with a cytokine (immune stimulating agent) like IL2 (interleukin 2). In numerous studies TIL demonstrates a 50% response rate in patients with metastatic melanoma."
"So....basically. A tumor is harvested. T-cells are extracted from it...with the idea that they were good soldiers who had already recognized and were in the process of attacking that tumor. To increase their numbers...they are grown in a dish. To further their interests...the patient (ie the battlefield) is injected with bad stuff (IL-2, IL-21, or cyclophosphomide and fludarabine, are frequently used) to kill off T-cells that might try to block their fight with the tumor...and/or support the good T-cells...which are then sent back into battle (ie injected into the patient)!"
Further, I posted this earlier this year: Baseline levels of IL-9 predicted response to Adoptive cell therapy (ACT) using TIL in melanoma and a complete response in TIL paired with nivo (a case study) Where it was noted that: "Best overall response for the entire cohort was 42%; 47% in 43 checkpoint naïve patients, 38% when patients were exposed to anti-CTLA4 alone (21 patients) and 33% if also exposed to anti-PD1 (9 patients) prior to TIL ACT. Median overall survival was 17.3 months; 24.6 months in CTLA4 naïve patients and 8.6 months in patients with prior CTLA4 blockade. "
Growing useful cells to be injected back to the patient is tricky and just one of many obstacles in TIL therapy. As the process has advanced, it has diverged into a variety of techniques and methods that can be utilized. Now, there's this:
Safety and efficacy of cryopreserved autologous tumor
infiltrating lymphocyte therapy (LN-144, lifileucel) in advanced metastatic
melanoma patients who progressed on multiple prior therapies including
anti-PD-1. 2019 ASCO. Sasnaik, Nikhill,Khushalani, et al. J Clin Oncol 37, 2019 (suppl; abstr 2518)
Background: Treatment options are limited for
patients with advanced melanoma who have progressed on checkpoint inhibitors
and targeted therapies such as BRAF/MEK inhibitors (if BRAF-V600E mutated).
Adoptive cell therapy utilizing tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) has shown
antitumor efficacy with durable long-term responses in heavily pretreated melanoma
patients. Safety and efficacy of lifileucel (LN-144), a centrally manufactured
autologous TIL therapy are presented. Methods: C-144-01
is a global Phase 2 open-label, multicenter study of the efficacy and safety of
lifileucel in patients with unresectable metastatic melanoma. We report on
Cohort 2 (N = 55) patients who received cryopreserved lifileucel. Tumors
resected at local institutions were processed in central GMP facilities for TIL
production in a 22-day process. Final TIL infusion product was cryopreserved
and shipped to sites. Patients received one week of
cyclophosphamide/fludarabine preconditioning lymphodepletion, a single
lifileucel infusion, followed by up to 6 doses of IL-2. Results: In
55 patients with Stage IIIC/IV unresectable melanoma, 3.1 mean prior therapies
(anti-PD1 100%; anti-CTLA-4 80%; BRAF/MEK inhibitor 24%), high baseline tumor
burden (110 mm mean target lesion sum of diameters), ORR was 38% (2 CR, 18 PR,
1 uPR). Of 21 responders, 4 have progressed to date with median follow up of
7.4 months. Overall disease control was 76%. Improved responses in some
patients were observed with longer follow up. Most (54) patients progressed on
prior anti-PD1 and those with PD-L1 negative status were among
responders. Mean cells infused was 28 x109. Median IL-2 doses administered was
6.0. Adverse events resolved to baseline, 2 weeks post TIL infusion, a
potentially important benefit of one-time TIL therapy. Conclusions: Lifileucel
treatment results in 38% ORR in heavily pretreated metastatic melanoma patients
with high baseline disease burden who received prior anti-PD1 and BRAF/MEK
inhibitor if BRAF mutated. Based on these data, a new Cohort 4 in C-144-01 has
been initiated to support lifileucel registration. Clinical trial information: NCT0236057
Here 55 Stage III/IV melanoma patients previously treated with anti-PD-1, ipi, and/or BRAF/MEK, with progressive disease and high tumor burden were given "cryopreserved lifileucel" derived from "tumors resected" at several institutions, then "processed" at a central facility for "TIL production in a 22-day process" then "cryopreserved and shipped to sites". As is typical with TIL therapy, patients were given one of the nasty pre-treatment concoctions to kill off their existing lymphocytes, were then given a single infusion of lifileucel, followed by up to 6 doses of hell (I mean IL-2). ORR = 38%. Of 21 initial responders, 4 have progressed over the f/u of 7.4 months. Overall disease control was 76%. Both folks who had progressed on anti-PD-1 and those with PD-L1 negative status were among the responders. Based on this result, a new cohort is recruiting.
#6: The "microbiome" craze is not exactly 'new' as it has taken over the universe! BUT!!! How much is hype? How much is real? How can we drill down on the details? How can we harness what we know to impact treatments such that patients benefit? The next 3 posts address this topic. Now, there's this:
A phase I/II study of live biotherapeutic MRx0518 in combination with pembrolizumab in patients who have progressed on prior anti-PD-1 therapy. 2019 ASCO. Shubham, Imke, Amishi, et al. J Clin Oncol 37, 2019 (suppl; abstr TPS2670)
Background: The gut microbiome has emerged as a new therapeutic target to augment the efficacy of immune checkpoint blockade. MRx0518 is a novel, gut microbiome-derived, oral live biotherapeutic, designed to induce a broad immunostimulatory response to re-engage PD-1 inhibitor activity. Preclinical studies showed that MRx0518 reduced tumour growth in models of kidney, lung and breast cancer. MRx0518 increased CD4 and CD8 T cell and NK cell infiltration into the tumour and decreased Tregs. Upregulation of tumour TLR5 was observed and linked to the bacterial flagellin moiety, which was shown to strongly induce NFκB, cytokine responses and IFNγ+ CD4 and CD8 T cells. The study, one of the first oncology trials conducted with live biotherapeutics, is a single center, open label, safety and preliminary efficacy study of MRx0518 in combination with pembrolizumab in patients with solid tumors who have progressed on PD-1 inhibitors. Methods: Trial consists of 2 parts. In Part A, 12 patients receive pembrolizumab 200 mg every 3 weeks plus 1 capsule (bid) of MRx0518 with a DLT period of 1 cycle (21 days). In Part B, up to 30 patients per cohort (NSCLC, Urothelial, Renal and Melanoma) will receive pembrolizumab 200 mg every 3 weeks plus 1 capsule (bid) of MRx0518 for up to 35 cycles or until disease progression per RECIST 1.1. The primary end points are safety and tolerability of MRx0518 in combination with pembrolizumab (Parts A and B) and clinical benefit of MRx0518 in combination with pembrolizumab (Part B). Secondary end points are objective response rate, duration of response, disease control rate, and progression-free survival. Exploratory end points include biomarkers of treatment effect, effect on microbiota and overall survival. Recruitment is ongoing. Clinical trial information: NCT03637803
Here, researchers are going to give the first 12 patients with solid tumors who have progressed on anti-PD-1, Pembro every 3 weeks along with a capsule of MRx0518, a "live biotherapeutic", taken by mouth, twice a day for one 21 day cycle. In part b, the plan is that 30 patients could be given the same for up to 35 cycles or until disease progression. My only concern here would be the fact that we've found that folks who took probiotics from a bottle did not do so well, while those that got their cooties from foods like Kefir, kimchi, yogurt, sauerkraut, etc. - did better. If I were to consider participation in this study, I'd be asking my doc about that.
#7: As I noted above, these last two reports are more along the lines of ~ "What once was old is new again!" I've been talking about the Cooties in our Gut since 2015, putting it all together in this post from 2018: Microbes again...and how they may be associated with improved response to anti-PD-1 for melanoma patients...and you might even laugh!!! Still, there is much we don't understand about how all this works. Now, there's this:
Gut microbiota dependent anti-tumor immunity restricts melanoma growth in Rnf5-/- mice. Li, Tinoco, Elmen, et al. Nat Commun. 2019 Apr 2.
Accumulating evidence points to an important role for the gut microbiome in anti-tumor immunity. Here, we show that altered intestinal microbiota contributes to anti-tumor immunity, limiting tumor expansion. Mice lacking the ubiquitin ligase RNF5 exhibit attenuated activation of the unfolded protein response (UPR) components, which coincides with increased expression of inflammasome components, recruitment and activation of dendritic cells and reduced expression of antimicrobial peptides in intestinal epithelial cells. Reduced UPR expression is also seen in murine and human melanoma tumor specimens that responded to immune checkpoint therapy. Co-housing of Rnf5-/- and WT mice abolishes the anti-tumor immunity and tumor inhibition phenotype, whereas transfer of 11 bacterial strains, including B. rodentium, enriched in Rnf5-/- mice, establishes anti-tumor immunity and restricts melanoma growth in germ-free WT mice. Altered UPR signaling, exemplified in Rnf5-/- mice, coincides with altered gut microbiota composition and anti-tumor immunity to control melanoma growth.
So, a lot of fancy words to say that mice with a certain microbiome component (less UPR expression) responded better to immunotherapy. Further, when those mice lived with mice whose gut initially did not possess those properties, researchers found that they too developed an altered gut flora and a greater ability to restrict the growth of melanoma. Bottom line: Live with somebody who has the right cooties! (If you can figure out who exactly that is!!!)
#8: Given the fact that a certain "microbiome" aids our responses to immunotherapy while a different one does not, it makes sense that antibiotics, which kill off bacteria that are trying to do us harm as well as those who may do a body good, could be problematic when trying to foster cooties that improve our response to immunotherapy. Here are some earlier articles and explanations:
This from 2017: Antibiotic use MAY decrease effectiveness of immunotherapy?????
And this from April of this year: DECREASED progression free survival in melanoma patients treated with antibiotics prior to or at start of immunotherapy!!!! In that study it was noted that, despite - "Small numbers. ..the 10 folks, from the 74 advanced melanoma peeps examined, who were given antibiotics within 30 days of their immunotherapy, had more resistance to treatment, a shorter length of progression free survival (2.4 vs 7.3 months) and overall survival was shorter at 10.7 months vs 18.3 months."
Now, there's this:
Effect of antibiotic exposure in patients
with metastatic melanoma treated with PD-1 inhibitor or CTLA-4 inhibitor or a
combination of both. 2019 ASCO. Kapoor, Runnels, Boyce, et al. J Clin Oncol 37, 2019 (suppl; abstr e14141)
Background: Pre clinical
studies have demonstrated the effect of gut microbiome in the efficacy of
immune check point inhibitors. The effect of antibiotic exposure to patients
receiving PD-1/CTLA-4 inhibitor therapy has not been extensively studied,
especially in metastatic melanoma. In this study, we demonstrate the effect of
antibiotic exposure to metastatic melanoma patients receiving PD-1/CTLA-4
inhibitor therapy. Methods: We
performed a retrospective analysis of 108 patients with stage 4 metastatic
melanoma who received immunotherapy with PD-1 inhibitors or CTLA-4 inhibitors
or combination of both between Nov 2010 and Oct 2017. Patients were divided
into Abx(+) and Abx(-) groups that were defined as patients exposed or not
exposed to antibiotics respectively. The time frame for antibiotic exposure was
taken from 6 months prior to 1 month after initiation of immunotherapy. We
compared progression free survival (PFS), overall survival (OS) and response
rate (RR) between the two groups. RR was calculated based on the entire length
of follow-up. Results: Out of 108 patients, 66 were men, with a mean age 64.6 ± 15.1 years. 46 patients were
exposed to antibiotics of varied classes. Median PFS in abx(+) group [88 days] was shorter as compared to abx(-) group [322 days]. Patients in abx(-) group had a 68% reduced
risk of progression within 200 days of immunotherapy initiation adjusting for
sex, age and number of immunotherapy cycles . Median OS in
ab(+) group [294 days] was shorter as compared to abx(-)
group [573 days]. Response rate defined as
percentage of patients whose cancer was stable or entered remission was 12.9% in abx(-) group as compared to 8.7% ab(+)
group. Patients in abx(-) group had a 52% reduced risk of
death adjusting for sex, age and number of immunotherapy cycles. Conclusions: Antibiotic
exposure is associated with poorer outcomes in patients with advanced
metastatic melanoma being treated with PD-1/CTLA-4 inhibitors which is likely
related to alteration of gut microbiome. Antibiotics should be prescribed with
caution in patients undergoing treatment with immune check point inhibitors.
These data should be validated in a larger patient population.
In this retrospective study of 108 melanoma patients treated with immunotherapy, it was noted that 46 were given antibiotics at some point between 6 months prior and 1 month after starting their immunotherapy treatment. PFS was 88 days in those who took antibiotics and 322 days in the group who didn't. OS was 294 days in the antibiotic group - 573 days in the non-antibiotic group. Response rate was 8.7% in the group that had taken antibiotics vs 12.9% in the group that had not been exposed to antibiotics. As I wrote in the post I put up in April: "So...if you really NEED antibiotics, they may save your life and will certainly decrease misery. BUT, if you DON'T really NEED them...they can cause harm, in lots of ways."
WHEW!!! Melanoma is a lot. A lot of crap. And an actual crap shoot for far too many! But, just like today...
...there is still beauty, despite the storm.
More to come. c
Friday, June 21, 2019
Sew Chaotically! ~ Celestial Dress by Pattern Fantastique!
What's in a name??? HA! When I came upon The Celestial Dress, by Pattern Fantastique, of course that got my attention, but then there were these amazing versions (note the 3 pics below) stitched up by Nicole of maatje_makes on instagram. Having seen her sleeveless versions, I was sold!! You should check her out!! She makes ever so many lovely things!

I really like it. The fabric and pattern made a perfect combo!!
After telling Ruthie about the pattern, she stitched up a cute color-blocked version, too! Isn't she cute???
Sew...go for it! The Celestial dress makes a perfect summer piece, whatever length and style you choose! Sew Chaotically! - les