Well, maybe it does and maybe it doesn't. I tend to see eternally optimistic and hopeful people and others who couldn't carry a basket of hope if you cling wrapped it and tied it to them. As usual, this quote doesn't mean the obvious to me (if you remember: March 4th = March forth....in my head). Rather, it means...spring is the hope....that is eternal. And so it is....through all the drear rain and cold...the crocus and the daffodils are peaking their heads out on the mountain. New growth is evident on the forsythia, irises and hyacinths. Of course, Brent has always referred to them as the "stupid flowers". But, I like them. They are brave. They are optimistic. They see spring on the horizon long before the rest of us. Hope springs eternal.....or at least, spring does.
And, before I lay me down to sleep, I think of Steven's scans to keep, free and clear, and without an image, no thing to watch, no single blemish....No! Worry free...is what I hope, his scans will be.
Hopefully yours - c
The story of living in spite of melanoma, CLND (X 2!), metastasis, vaccines, anti-PD-1, lung removal, and stereotactic radiation. (With a little adenocarcinoma ex-goblet cell carcinoid thrown in!!!) The story of life with family and friends. {Posts under ~ Sew Chaotically, Travel Chaotically, and Chaotic Cookery also housed within! A girl's gotta have fun!}
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Friday, January 27, 2012
Trouble viewing???
It seems that blog spot has become incompatible with some of the changes made by some web browsers...internet explorer specifically. If you are looking at the blog, then click on something and the screen goes blank or white....that is your problem. Hopefully it will be fixed soon...but in between...if you like...you can download Mozilla Firefox...for FREE...and use it as your browser. It works great!!!! So well, in fact, that I am keeping it as my browser...the kids have been after me to switch for years!
Have a great day! - c
Have a great day! - c
Sunday, January 22, 2012
They are every hope...rolled into bunches of squishy, slobbery rolls. They are the best of what we are. The best of what we are to become. They coo and goo. They make you smile even when you don't feel like it. They yell when they are mad. They smile through their tears. They make my work days wonderful. They give me hope for my future. And even though my babies are 21 and 19 now...they are the best thing I ever had any part of. They have been a wonder from the start and my greatest inspiration. I love you. mommy
Friday, January 20, 2012
With our loss at work, there have been many talks about grief. Just after a conversation with a friend, I came across this quote by Patti Smith. It really echoed what we were thinking....
"Grief starts to become indulgent, and it doesn't serve anyone, and it's painful. But if you transform it into remembrance, then you're magnifying the person you lost and giving something of that person to other people..."
We miss you, Dr. M. We hope to continue to care for children in ways that would make you proud. - c
"Grief starts to become indulgent, and it doesn't serve anyone, and it's painful. But if you transform it into remembrance, then you're magnifying the person you lost and giving something of that person to other people..."
We miss you, Dr. M. We hope to continue to care for children in ways that would make you proud. - c
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Busy New Year!!!!
My goodness!!! I hope all of you are having a great start to your New Year. It has been busy...but good...around here!! We got both the kiddo's moved to Knoxville. Rosie's move was a wonderful whirlwind thanks to great help from Fred, T, and K (a good friend of Rosie's from Georgia Tech who is luckily doing an internship with a company in Knoxville this semester). Her room was set up in a flash and is really cute, with the most space she's had in a long time!! She spent the past couple of weeks begging and cajoling her way into closed classes! Her charm and good record served her well and she now has everything straight and is cruising along. Fred's return was much less difficult since he has an apartment now, though computer weirdness at the University has made his life a bit complicated, but he is getting his registration straight as well.
Work has been hard. Pediatrics in winter is always a challenge. The loss of one of our doctors has made it mentally stressful and caused the need for more work to implement changes in all sorts of things that may not even seem readily apparent. I was happy to help our amazing office staff and Dr. R. plow through the things we needed to do. However, it has created long days. Yesterday, one of the nurses asked, "Did you leave your car here overnight on Monday?" I told her no, looking puzzled. "It was just here so late!" Then I remembered. I had been going over the NP protocols after the patients were gone. So....it has been a number of extra hours. Next week, coincidentally, we will begin training two new NP's we had already hired. There will be a bit more work connected with that, so..... I am wishing for the sun. It has been very rainy and cloudy here. But, even on sunny days I leave home in the dark and return long after the sun has set. Oh, well...this too shall pass. I still love the nurses and doctors I am lucky enough to work with and the kids brighten all my days.
Brent surprised me last week with tickets to the Chattanooga Symphony for a concert of pieces by Ravel. They included: Pavane pour une infante defunte, Rapsodie Espagnole, and, of course, Bolero. It was an interesting group of attendees!!! We saw floor length furs, smelling ever so slightly of moth balls, alternating with, tight, minimal cocktail dresses on a really chilly night. The octogenarians of Lookout Mountain were down in the valley with the affected, bohemian youths, one of our favorite grocery check-out clerks...and...us! While watching the crowd, I wrote several short stories...in my mind....one rather reminiscent of Flannery O'Connor and the other more in keeping with Isaac Bashevis Singer!!! Perhaps, soon, I will actually write them down. Anyhow, I fixed a nice dinner and we had a good time at the concert.
Physically, I have been doing well, except for one week of an asthma exacerbation, which is much better now. I am gradually building my exercise routine back up after the last treatment. The past 3 weeks have been very itchy!!!! Lots of flares in my remaining granulomas and a generalized itchy rash with increasing vitiligo on my stomach and lower back. Can't believe scan time is already creeping up, as they will be done on 2/24 as prep for the next anti-PD1 infusion in Tampa on 3/2. As far as we can tell all other members of the peptide/MDX 1106 trial at Moffitt continue to do well. We did learn that the final cohort of resected, 10mg/kg folks has begun. Brent says that all info on anti-PD1 has completely dried up. This is probably related to the many new trials that have begun in multiple sites in the US and even in the UK. While that is a good thing...the silence is a bit frustrating.
May you buy your bread only from bakers who are nothing at all like Gimpel the Fool! - c
Work has been hard. Pediatrics in winter is always a challenge. The loss of one of our doctors has made it mentally stressful and caused the need for more work to implement changes in all sorts of things that may not even seem readily apparent. I was happy to help our amazing office staff and Dr. R. plow through the things we needed to do. However, it has created long days. Yesterday, one of the nurses asked, "Did you leave your car here overnight on Monday?" I told her no, looking puzzled. "It was just here so late!" Then I remembered. I had been going over the NP protocols after the patients were gone. So....it has been a number of extra hours. Next week, coincidentally, we will begin training two new NP's we had already hired. There will be a bit more work connected with that, so..... I am wishing for the sun. It has been very rainy and cloudy here. But, even on sunny days I leave home in the dark and return long after the sun has set. Oh, well...this too shall pass. I still love the nurses and doctors I am lucky enough to work with and the kids brighten all my days.
Brent surprised me last week with tickets to the Chattanooga Symphony for a concert of pieces by Ravel. They included: Pavane pour une infante defunte, Rapsodie Espagnole, and, of course, Bolero. It was an interesting group of attendees!!! We saw floor length furs, smelling ever so slightly of moth balls, alternating with, tight, minimal cocktail dresses on a really chilly night. The octogenarians of Lookout Mountain were down in the valley with the affected, bohemian youths, one of our favorite grocery check-out clerks...and...us! While watching the crowd, I wrote several short stories...in my mind....one rather reminiscent of Flannery O'Connor and the other more in keeping with Isaac Bashevis Singer!!! Perhaps, soon, I will actually write them down. Anyhow, I fixed a nice dinner and we had a good time at the concert.
Physically, I have been doing well, except for one week of an asthma exacerbation, which is much better now. I am gradually building my exercise routine back up after the last treatment. The past 3 weeks have been very itchy!!!! Lots of flares in my remaining granulomas and a generalized itchy rash with increasing vitiligo on my stomach and lower back. Can't believe scan time is already creeping up, as they will be done on 2/24 as prep for the next anti-PD1 infusion in Tampa on 3/2. As far as we can tell all other members of the peptide/MDX 1106 trial at Moffitt continue to do well. We did learn that the final cohort of resected, 10mg/kg folks has begun. Brent says that all info on anti-PD1 has completely dried up. This is probably related to the many new trials that have begun in multiple sites in the US and even in the UK. While that is a good thing...the silence is a bit frustrating.
May you buy your bread only from bakers who are nothing at all like Gimpel the Fool! - c
Monday, January 2, 2012
Good times...new year....
During a tumultuous 4 weeks I have been blessed with good health, time with my dear husband and children, with parents, sisters and their families, as well as great friends. Thanks for sharing your holidays and lives with me. You nourish my spirit.
"Now it is a strange thing, but things that are good to have and days that are good to spend are soon told about, and not much to listen to; while things that are uncomfortable, palpitating, and even gruesome, may make a good tale, and take a deal of telling anyway."
J.R.R.Tolkien, The Hobbit
Though the tale may be dull, and brief...it is mine....and I am glad. Happy New Year! - c
"Now it is a strange thing, but things that are good to have and days that are good to spend are soon told about, and not much to listen to; while things that are uncomfortable, palpitating, and even gruesome, may make a good tale, and take a deal of telling anyway."
J.R.R.Tolkien, The Hobbit
Though the tale may be dull, and brief...it is mine....and I am glad. Happy New Year! - c